No getup and go


Jul 15, 2003
Hope someone can HELP!! I have a 1984 85hp. It idles good and I can go slow but as soon as I open it up, it will die for the first few times.<br />Then when I get it going it won't plan out. After playing with it (go and stop several times.) I start planning out and everything is good. Also when I shift into gear it sounds like it shifts to hard and jerks alittle. I have taken it to a dealer they said spark and compression was good. SOMETHING IS WRONG can you help.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Re: No getup and go

If the dealer is right about spark and compression you probably have a fuel supply problem.If the boat sits a lot or was stored for several months the fuel system may be gummed up.<br />When you hit the throttle touch the choke at the same time if it helps then it is a fuel supply problem.It is best to go through the fuel system<br />from tank to carb with attention to cleaning and<br />repair as required.If you are sure the system is good try just a carb(s) rebuild.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Re: No getup and go

Forgot about the shifting problem. Most likely the idle is set too high.You should check the specs and set accordingly.Shifting at to high a speed can result in an expensive gearcase repair.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: No getup and go

If you;<br /><br />*can idle fine,<br />*engine sounds good when you throttle up,<br />*will not plane, but engine RPMs seem close to normal,<br />The hub has probably spun-out, or slipping.<br />In most cases, you won't be able to tell by looking at it. But take some fingernail polish, and paint a solid line from the prop nut outward to one of the blades. Let paint dry.<br />Take it for a short trial.<br />See if paint line is broken or misaligned. If so, take the prop off and have it rehubbbed.<br /><br />SIDENOTE: Many outboard motors do not like "hole shots", or "tromping it".. Not syaing you do that, but The hub is designed to slip, so as to protect the gears from grenading under heavy load or osticle-strikes. If you recentlty grounded the vessel, or hit a manatee :rolleyes: , the hub spun to protect the more exspesive goodies.<br />It also prolongs the life of the prop hub to use a gradual throttle up, letting the lower unit keep up with the horsepower of the motor.