Nissan 5hp outboard problems

May 9, 2009
first off this thing is amazing ive had it since i was 12 got it for free from my dads friend but now im about to turn 19 it took a dump on me it starts fine and everything but when i go full speed it studders to get up and will run way slower than it should be than after a short while itll bog out like its overheating. Im almost positive it is because i put my hand on it and its scorching hot so i took the carb off cleaned it but i think it may be the water pump my questions are what do you guyys think about this and where does this thing pee from i cant seem to find the hole :D

also the serial code is 369-1 if that helps any...i think it may be a 96
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 29, 2006
Re: Nissan 5hp outboard problems

Water probably exits out the small holes in the back upper leg of the motor along with the exhaust.
Since you have had it for 7 years if it had a "pee hole" out the lower cowl you would have known about it.

You better replace the impeller before you take it out again. You run it very long in this condition it won't be running much longer.


Jul 22, 2004
Re: Nissan 5hp outboard problems

The pee indicator shoots out from under the block, on an angle. If the engine is hot you would check the water pump and the head.


Apr 20, 2008
Re: Nissan 5hp outboard problems

Gotta agree with the other replies. The 2-smoke 5's will take a lot, but if you severely overheat it and seize it, all bets are off. Once the cylinder is warped, it will never be the same, and if so, you will find that it's uneconomical to repair. Verify the cooling water's flowing before you take it on another run.

The pee hole is on the bottom of the powerhead (in what is called the "base" casting). It only indicates that there is cooling water pressure, and is prone to clogging -- especially if you are in salt or debris-laden water, so it is possible to be cooling correctly, and not have a stream from the pee hole.

Nissan recommends annual impeller changes. Even with the cold freshwater and short season in Buffalo, we do them at least every third season. The rubber does dry-rot, after all. Nissan has a water pump kit, available from any dealer, which includes the impeller, bolts, and associated wear parts. It's a bargain, since most of the cost of an impeller change is in the labor.

If that gets you pumping again, fine. If not, you probably have corrosion and junk in the powerhead. That may be a trip to the dealer for service, depending on your skills.

Once you are sure that the water pump is pumping, the pee tube can be cleared while running (in the water, of course), by pushing a stiff wire or weed-whacker string into it. There is also a "clean-out" plug (and gasket) near the pee tube, in case there is so much debris that it's floating around in the base casting like gravel. Think twice about pulling that plug on an older motor, as you may damage the threads in the base casting by removing it.
May 9, 2009
Re: Nissan 5hp outboard problems

ok i got the two bolts off the lower unit but i couldnt get it all the way off i read this is where the impeller would be also where can i buy the impeller from thanks for all the replies


Apr 20, 2008
Re: Nissan 5hp outboard problems


What is the model of this motor? If you have an NS5B or later, you are taking the wrong thing apart. TWO bolts sounds like you are about to pull the propshaft housing out of the LU.

You may want to take it to a dealer so that a qualified mechanic can look it over and diagnose the situation.

For a parts catalog, you can d/l a free copy from TG's excellent website at

Service manuals and WP kits are available at any Tohatsu/Nissan dealer.

The Factory website at has downloadable owner's manuals, as well as a dealer locator by zip code.


Jul 22, 2004
Re: Nissan 5hp outboard problems

Parts are available from any Nissan, Tohatsu or Mercury dealer....You can also get a service manual, that you really need, there as well.