nightmare force 150


Sep 20, 2004
hello all <br /> im new , so 1st off HELLOO <br /> <br /> Im having BIG problems with my 89 150 , i bought the boat and outboard in june this year and so far havent been able to use it !!!! <br /> when i 1st bought it it had a piston down so that needed replacing , 6 and a half weeks later i got it back but it had severe starting problems , then when it was started and put in the water it cut out and i found water in the bottom 2 cylinders . i have since stripped it replaced all the gaskets on the power head and put it back together . it now has a duff battery and refuses to start , at 1st it was trying to fire but spitting flames out of the prop but now nothing , so i dont even no if ive cured the water problem yet alltogether im having loadsa fun (not) can anybody shed some light on my starting probs or advice on a solution ( and i dont mean a gallon of unleaded and a box of matches !) ???<br /><br /><br /> thanx in advance <br />Brad , in sunny england


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: nightmare force 150

A litre and one match is all it takes. ;) Welcome to iboats.<br /><br />Flames out the exhaust. That's gotta look cool at night! Somehow your timing is way off. Probably getting too much gas, too. But that could just be over-choking. If you have a manual, go through the timing and throttle synchronization. If you don't have a manual, get one. Check your public library or order one here from iboats.


Sep 20, 2004
Re: nightmare force 150

oh god yeah !! the flames looked good . <br /> i shall try n borrow a manual from my local specialist for now as i dont really want to spend money on a manual if its gna end up as a scrapper :( <br />thanx boss


Sep 20, 2004
Re: nightmare force 150

cant get a manual at the moment , so can any1 explain in an idiots kinda way how to time this thing up please ? <br /> after having a closer look i found the 2nd from top plug wasnt sparking which turned out to be one of the small wires amoungst the mass off small wires had been connected to the wrong screw (if that makes any sense !) so hopefully that should be ok :confused: <br /> the other thing someone might be able to help me with is how many turns should the screws on the carbs be set at ?? i took the boat for a service when i 1st bought it but sadly i used a guy that didnt have a clue and liked to charge extorsionate amounts of money (equivalent of $2400 to supply and fit 1 piston and the large driveshaft) and i think he might have adjusted them :mad:


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: nightmare force 150

Backfiring is allmost allways a timing issue. The piston is firing erratically, or when it is being ignited on the intake stroke, as opposed to the cumbustion stroke. Switched plug wires, or reversed CD packs are primary inspection points, because the mechanical timing on this motor rarely looses adjustment on it's own.<br /><br />Compression testing is also vital to determine what is happening . You just won't "luck-out" on the diagnosing this problem without compression readings to go by. If you don't have a gauge, you can allways borrow one from NAPA, Discount Auto, Pep Boys, or other auto parts stores.<br /><br />EDIT--Just read your last post about the wire....It should be good to go, but do check the compression.<br />On the carbs, settings vary from carb-to-carb, motor-to-motor. Get a pice of paper and a pen.<br />Starting with the top carb, slowly/gently srew-in the mixture screw counting the number of turns, until it gently bottoms-out. Do not tighten, as it will wipe out the tip of the mixture screw and the seat in the carb. If you do this, the carb will be rendered not-adjustable.<br />To properly adjust multiple carbs, you will need a vacuum gauge tree. This is best done by someone with a "feel" for multi-carb adjustments, as in a marine or motorcycle mechanic . There are, of course, books to explain the process, and the guages can be borrowed or rented also, if you want to give this a try.


Sep 20, 2004
Re: nightmare force 150

cheers dude :) <br /> i should have said before but compression is a healthy 160 on all 5 cylinders , sorry <br /><br /> the gooooooood news is i put a new battery on this afternoon at which point the engine started up after about 20-25 seconds cranking and has started pretty much on the button since . <br /> we also took the boat down to the launch tonight and had it running in the water for about 20 minuts and so far so good !! its fairly smokey but tbh i expected that anyway as its just been rebuilt and running on 40 to one mixture .<br /><br /> so fingers crossed for when i take it for its 1st run :D


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: nightmare force 150

Smoke is actually good from a 2cycle motor. It means you are burninmg rich. And that is better than burning too lean, which will chjew your motor to death from low lubrication.Let it smoke,but carry a set of plugs wuith you.<br />Plugs don't last very long anyhow, needing to be replaced every 80 hours maximum.<br />If oyu are running very rich, it will foul the plugs, and you'll need to perform more frequent decarbing. But it's still better than a grenaded motor at sea.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: nightmare force 150

And check the plugs after an hour after you replace them, and compare thier color/condition. They'll tell you what is actuially happening.


Oct 24, 2003
Re: nightmare force 150

as its just been rebuilt and running on 40 to one mixture
i may be wrong, but isnt break in period after a rebuild 25:1<br /><br />you might chew it up again if you keep ot at 40:1


Sep 20, 2004
Re: nightmare force 150

oh :eek: 25:1 ? i was told to run it @ that for the 1st 5 hours then back to 50 mix after that ? you got me worried now :confused:


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: nightmare force 150

Don't be too worried. 40:1 is a bit high, but it should be fine, even if you ran it on normal 50:1. It will just break-in quicker than it will at 25:1, and it [probably would run like crap on such an oil-rich mix, and would foul the plugs in less than an hour. New motors are sometimes recommended to run 6 gals of 25:1, I have seen it somewhere (can't remember now),but again, you should be fine.<br />But yep...That would explain the smoke too. :)


Sep 20, 2004
Re: nightmare force 150

thanx again 12footer ;) <br /> we actually went out in it tonight and so far so good , we do have a nasty imbalance problem tho so i guess it,l be a new prop needed . steering is damn heavy too but hopefully a liberal smearing of grease will help that out too .<br /><br /> so thanx again for all your helpfull advice , im sure i,l be needing it again <br /><br /> Brad