Of course this is after I gave up on the Vikes. :facepalm: My fault expecting 4 losses in a row!
The Titans opened the game with an on-side kick. Pulling out the stops against GB.
Yeah I guess, but it WAS a pretty impressive tantrum. Maybe next time he will just stamp his little foot and go off in a huff.Maybe Goodell would consider not suspending the best player in the league for the first 4 games next time.
You'll be happy to know the Redskins came back and lead 26 - 20 2:31 to go. Pack is still getting hammered.....
My picks are going as good as my Fantasy......
Well, looks like I got the pick right ... but the Steelers have some serious issues! Unbelievable. How do you do the face mask and the then give up the TD untouched after coming back and looking like you have the upset. WOW ... stinking up the joint, Pittsburgh!
Care to share that "fantasy" Wim.......ooooOOO...never mind...carry on...
The rest of the night, he played but was being very cautious about getting hit in the chest.Yousa!
They won't need him against SF. I'm sure he'll sit.....