Game Commission has really put a hurting on the herds and have cut back on the doe tags. Now in most WMU's the first 5 days of the season are buck only, and the doe tags are usually gone my the second round. You can still get "special" tags in Chronic Waste Disease Areas, and special deer hunt areas. I have a buck and 2 doe tags (could have had 4 if I wanted where I hunt). It used to be that on a slow day we would see 30 deer in the woods and there were many days you could see over 150 deer. The liberal seasons and pressure to kill does and save the bucks to make it more of a trophy state shrunk the herd to the place we were going days without seeing a deer. If you saw 7 or 8 deer in a day that was a great day. Young hunters (as well as many older hunters) gave up the futile chase of the elusive whitetail. Over the last few years we have had an increase in the herd and we are seeing 5-12 deer a day on a more consistent basis.
The potholes, well, they are as prolific as ever.