It is a very small book ... but full of lies! There are some things that you want to move, so instead of duct tape you need WD-40 or PB Blaster, and some things just need a hammer to finish them off once and for all ... but WE ALL KNOW it is duct tape for almost EVERYTHING!
The rest of the title is "... you may use bailing wire, too." ... right? That's not just a regional thing, is it?
And that FlexSeal guy is an anarchist, blasphemer and in collusion with all the other guys saying their tape is better than duct tape.
I mean have you ever seen a wedding dress made with Flex Tape, T-Rex tape or Gorilla tape? Of course not, because duct tape is good for all occasions as Red Green has shown time and time again!
Even glow in the dark duct tape making finding that wallet easier for early risers in the morning. A tool for all, seasons!
Red Green was a good mention. And for those who don't know who this guy is, just check him out on the web. Funny stuff!