Re: New to me 28hp evinrude speeditwin not spitting water
Shift the motor into forward, that will get the coupler up and out of the way while you line up the water line and bolt it up.
Disconnect the plug leads.
Slide the gearcase up, ensuring the water line goes in straight into the grommet. When she bottoms out, slowly turn the prop until the splines align and she slides up smooth the rest of the way. Now install a bolt to hold it put. Now you can install the rest of the bolts.
Now with needle nose hold the lower shift rod and guide it into the hole in the coupler while you shift back down into neutral. Ensure the detent in the rod is perfectly aligned with the hole in the coupler then install the bolt. Just snug, don't twist the stuffing out of it or it may strip.
Now spin the prop by hand, ensuring it turns smooth while in neutral. Shift into forward while still spinning, should stop it. Back to neutral, spin free again. Into reverse, should stop it. If you can test all gears and all is well you are good to go. Reinstall cover plate and test water pump output in the test tank.
Let us know how it goes.