Re: New motor time. Mercury or Johnson?
I know it's not the same guys (*most will have retured) who built my baby merc...But my 1977 7.5HP is a true blue,half-pull go getter! It is one of two reasons I will not part with this old baby bass rig.<br />Both Merc and OMC have had thier problems with design and munfacturing lately. But I think OMC is comming back with a vengience. They went bankrupt because of thier lousy motors, but Bomardier (bom-bar-dee-ay) bought the company. From what I have read, they are not only standiong behind the motors,but also warantees on the ones they didn't own at the time. This would tell us they plan on turning the company around,regardless of how bad it used to be..I would not be afraid of buying a new OMC,given this commitment by the new company.<br />But after all is said,there are many opinions out here.<br />This was just mine.