New Page Tech Issues.-
Don't use tablets nor smartphones due to its reduced size, don't plan going to the optometrist any time soon to use them, to access Iboats nicely without having eye fatigue nor force the vision have united the best of the old and new world computer technology till all the tech issues regarding font size, color, page size, other tech issues have been corrected to please most forum members if not all.
Have hooked an old 10 inch Notebook to a 34 inch LED TV with via their HDMI ports, can scroll up or down and write text via an attaced wireless keyboard and mouse at a distance of around 10 feet. Using Google Chrome with Win 7 Pro software can enlarge or reduce text to my desire size. One thing found right away was not being possible to login in as couldn't find the upper round figure to log in, reducing the page to 90% solved the issue.
Find the font usedt is reduced, narrower and much lighter compared to Iboat's Logo or previous page update specially at the main forum page no matter if using a 34 inch TV screen as a monitor.
The more you enlarge the page say 110-125 ot bit larger the more the write someting window will shrink horizontally and vertically accodingly.
Seems will take long to get used to this new page, patience is mandatory..
Happy Boating