New here and to outboard jets


Jul 5, 2022
Hello, We recently purchased a 16 foot jon with a 1988 2 stroke 50 hp jet on it. Well having trouble figuring out what is going on with it. We launch the boat and start it up with little problem, head upstream and run pretty well but at about 10 minutes in the engine will spudder and eventually fall on its face. I can still run it at varying low RPM levels and get back to the ramp. A little history, I am a canoer and grew up on an inboard on the Mississippi. We are moving through the learning of the outboard operation so bare with us. The first time out the boat ran good, had it 3/4 throttle for 45 minutes or more. next trip we ran good for 40 to 45 minutes and then it fell on its face. Each time following it runs good for less time to where we are now of getting a 10 minute run out of it.

In the beginning of the trouble I did learn about the operation of the vent on the gas tank cap but not until on of the cans compressed because of vacuum. we have replace the tanks and learned to use them, replaced the gas line and primer bubble along with the quick connects at the tanks. I am looking at the fuel pump.......... Thoughts????


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 25, 2010
Sounds like you are on the right track. Depending on how well the motor was maintained, a 1988 will probably need all new oil/fuel hoses and a fuel pump rebuild.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Does the motor seem like it is overheating? Is there water coming out of the telltale? If there is good water flow through the motor and no signs of overheating, then I would say you either have a fuel issue and the motor is starving for fuel, or the power pack is going bad.