New boater's first major stupid trick


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 4, 2008
I thought boating would be something that my son and I could do together, so I bought my first boat a few weeks ago. The boat that I ended up buying didn't come with an outboad. No problem, there is a marine racing shop nearby that sells used outboards.

I brought the boat home then headed to the marine racing place. He sold me a great little 25hp Evinrude w/ tiller steering. Shortly-there-after, I was mounting it on the transom of my new boat. My whole family was outside for this momentous occasion - Daddy's new boat was now seaworthy!

It was too late to hit the water, but I really wanted to hear that sweet little Evinrude run again. I drug an empty trash can around to the front of the house, scooted it under the motor, and filled it with water.

Here we go . . .

The motor started on the first pull and sounded great. I easily revved it up a few times, and all was well. Then I realized that if I put it in gear, I would be able to rev it up even more. So I kicked it in forward and let'er rip!

It created a churning volcano of water so violent that it actually broke the plastic trash can apart and sprayed garbage water all over the the front of my garage. My son, who was in the boat, ran towards the bow, high-stepping over the three bench seats like they were hurdles in an attempt to climb into the truck bed for safety. My wife and oldest daughter ran into the neighbor's yard, while my 19 month old just stood on the porch steps screaming - it was her only defense.

Within seconds, I had the engine shutdown, but the "ego damage" was done. I ended up pressure washing the front of the house until 9:30 that night.

Oh well, it needed cleaned anyway.


May 27, 2007
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

I did that once demo-ing a boat I was selling, just forgot myself for a minute and revved it in gear after I showed the buyer how good it went into forward and reverse. It was a metal barrel and didn't break but the water went everywhere, the buyer's wife was NOT impressed by that move but they bought it anyway:D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

Should have bought a set of muffs when you bought the engine


Jun 30, 2004
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

coulda been worse. as ya had it connected to your truck. i've read about folks doing that and motivating the boat and trailer down the driveway.....:eek:

them muffs do work good...;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 7, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

All you need is experience. Then you can think "this is stupid" as your doing something wrong, and hopefully have time to stop. and you'll find out that your idea of stupid tends to get nitpicky,
Remember ask yourself --- what is this going to do?---- and --- what if? ---- oh the most important thing -- am i having fun?--


Apr 10, 2004
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

Dont rev your motor much unless you are in the lake, dot rev it any if you are in muff. You can kiss your reeds goodbye that way.... I KNOW!!!!


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

I thought boating would be something that my son and I could do together, so I bought my first boat a few weeks ago. The boat that I ended up buying didn't come with an outboad. No problem, there is a marine racing shop nearby that sells used outboards.

I brought the boat home then headed to the marine racing place. He sold me a great little 25hp Evinrude w/ tiller steering. Shortly-there-after, I was mounting it on the transom of my new boat. My whole family was outside for this momentous occasion - Daddy's new boat was now seaworthy!

It was too late to hit the water, but I really wanted to hear that sweet little Evinrude run again. I drug an empty trash can around to the front of the house, scooted it under the motor, and filled it with water.

Here we go . . .

The motor started on the first pull and sounded great. I easily revved it up a few times, and all was well. Then I realized that if I put it in gear, I would be able to rev it up even more. So I kicked it in forward and let'er rip!

It created a churning volcano of water so violent that it actually broke the plastic trash can apart and sprayed garbage water all over the the front of my garage. My son, who was in the boat, ran towards the bow, high-stepping over the three bench seats like they were hurdles in an attempt to climb into the truck bed for safety. My wife and oldest daughter ran into the neighbor's yard, while my 19 month old just stood on the porch steps screaming - it was her only defense.

Within seconds, I had the engine shutdown, but the "ego damage" was done. I ended up pressure washing the front of the house until 9:30 that night.

Oh well, it needed cleaned anyway.

That falls under the category of "There's 2 types of boaters, those who've done it, and those who lie about it!"

Welcome to boating.... :D:D:D



Oct 6, 2007
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

Welcome aboard.
At least nothing got hurt outside of your ego.
Get yourself a pair of "muffs".


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

A quick and abrupt learning curve for you !!!


Sep 5, 2007
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

This reminds me of a similar incident, scratch that, "boating experience" from my youth.

I'm about 12yrs old when my parents bought a used tri-hull with a Chrysler 105 or 115 outboard. First boat, backed into the driveway of a split level house where the garage is underneath one half of the upper level.

Part of his new winterizing routine was to remove the spark plugs and pour several ounces of oil into each cylinder. Then he cranks the motor over, to distibute the oil inside, and proceeds to paint the front of the house, both stories, with motor oil. :D, I'm rolling on the ground laughing, he was not as mom came out the front door wondering what that strange noise was on the side of the house.


May 20, 2007
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

A bruised ego is a cheap fix.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 19, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

it aint stupid till you break something. (on the boat itself)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 4, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

I've always been a fan of learning things the hard way. This is but another example of that. :redface:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 29, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

Sounds like someone migh have said:

Hey Babba, watch this . . .:eek::D

Nandy said it right, even with the muffs on, don't rev it up, in gear or not.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 26, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

New boater's first major stupid trick

I like the fact that you noted that this is the first major stupid trick. Acceptance is the first step . . . :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 4, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

I like the fact that you noted that this is the first major stupid trick. Acceptance is the first step . . . :D

This is my first stupid trick in the realm of boating. I have had many "firsts" in other categories as well . . . house painting . . . vehicle maintenance . . . woodworking . . . botched vasectomy recovery (don't ask). . . and many, many others.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 11, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

I thought boating would be something that my son and I could do together, so I bought my first boat a few weeks ago. The boat that I ended up buying didn't come with an outboad. No problem, there is a marine racing shop nearby that sells used outboards.

I brought the boat home then headed to the marine racing place. He sold me a great little 25hp Evinrude w/ tiller steering. Shortly-there-after, I was mounting it on the transom of my new boat. My whole family was outside for this momentous occasion - Daddy's new boat was now seaworthy!

It was too late to hit the water, but I really wanted to hear that sweet little Evinrude run again. I drug an empty trash can around to the front of the house, scooted it under the motor, and filled it with water.

Here we go . . .

The motor started on the first pull and sounded great. I easily revved it up a few times, and all was well. Then I realized that if I put it in gear, I would be able to rev it up even more. So I kicked it in forward and let'er rip!

It created a churning volcano of water so violent that it actually broke the plastic trash can apart and sprayed garbage water all over the the front of my garage. My son, who was in the boat, ran towards the bow, high-stepping over the three bench seats like they were hurdles in an attempt to climb into the truck bed for safety. My wife and oldest daughter ran into the neighbor's yard, while my 19 month old just stood on the porch steps screaming - it was her only defense.

Within seconds, I had the engine shutdown, but the "ego damage" was done. I ended up pressure washing the front of the house until 9:30 that night.

Oh well, it needed cleaned anyway.

What....No video


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

gotcha beat...Bought a boat off a charity on ebay 3 states away. On a happier note, i may turn it into a jacuzzi.

life gave me lemons...i towed them home.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 15, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

I had a similar incident. Me and my brother were working on my outboard..73 50HP evinrude. We got it into the 50gallon drum and running with a full tank fo gas..then after about 2 min and alot of the water getting pumped out. i realized it didn't have a kill switch.....i then didn't even think about choking it out or dissconneting the fuel...b4 i could do anything my brother was trying to pull the plug wires with a pair of should have seen the shock he got.

well i learned my lesson and have installed a kill switch


Sep 30, 2008
Re: New boater's first major stupid trick

My first stupid stupid moment when I bought my boat was showing the boat in the driveway to a couple of friends. We were in the back of the boat looking at the motor when all of a sudden the tongue of the trailer lifted off of the ground from having too much weight behind the axle. We all instinctively moved towards the bow as the tongue lifted which made the tongue slam back down to earth quite violently. There was no harm done but it scared the heck out of us.