Neutral Release Button Stuck


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2014
My neutral release button won’t push back on my controls (Quicksilver 3000). I took apart the handle and investigated it and it seems like I would have to take the whole control box off to fix. If that is the case, I am def taking it to the shop because that is a nightmare job (It's a side mount).

I have some friends coming to town soon and want to take them out. I won’t be able to get the boat to get looked at before then. When cold starting I always seem to need to advance the neutral all the way on the throttle. Is there a way to maybe do that on the motor itself just to start it? I’m thinking I could take the cover off at the ramp, advance it manually, start it up and then move it back down. It should start from there on out in first position neutral. My motor is a Merc 50hp 2 stroke.

Please let me know. Thanks!