Need to sleep soundly this winter.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Need to sleep soundly this winter.

mkpj1 said:

Thanks for the info. Been the hard headed way myself several times but hey, ....practice makes perfect. Just think, I mess this up and I can practice engine building.

Question for you that probably should be put into a new thread but I don't want too.

I have this new Merc 3.0L that when I pulled the stat housing the last owner permatexed in one of the housing bolts. Obiviously torqued it off the last time he took it off? I've taken out a many of these in old auto engines but thought I would ask if you have any "special" wisdom here?

No... start a new thread. Theres more people than me with info that will be able to see it, and get more opinions...


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Need to sleep soundly this winter.

4winns, no problemo!. Its just that a lot of different people with different boats, read these threads, and some go off and do the wrong thing. Then we get to hear from them in the spring on what went wrong. Plus as a hard-headed 21 year on the job Journeyman Machinist myself, and wrenching on the side for decades, I kinda seen it all. Only wish I could remember half of it! (Guess that why I takes a lot of pix now). And with 4 boats, and 10 motorcycles, I always have something new to fix as most stuff breaks when I thought I had it all covered....keeps me on the ball! And I doubt I'll ever catch up. Be well 8)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 2, 2006
Re: Need to sleep soundly this winter.

Quote: 4winns, no problemo!. Its just that a lot of different people with different boats, read these threads, and some go off and do the wrong thing.

I applaud those who do for themselves. But, I have a mechanical rule that states: research the issue well and use common sense when deciding whether it is a job that is better handled by a professional. Penny wise, pound foolish type of thinking. If it looks as though it's over your head, then you're asking for more anguish and you'll need more money to fix what you've broken trying to fix it in the first place. Winterizing a boat I think a novice wrench turner can do by following the instructions of the manual and the added luxury of experienced boaters on the web. Time to get off my soapbox here.

Quote: Then we get to hear from them in the spring on what went wrong. Plus as a hard-headed 21 year on the job Journeyman Machinist myself, and wrenching on the side for decades, I kinda seen it all.

Cracking a block and viewing it in the spring is a very painful thing. Spring should be a happy time.

Quote: Only wish I could remember half of it! (Guess that why I takes a lot of pix now).

At 47, I believe the beer is starting to strip mine my cerebral cortex- -memory is becoming a luxury for me.

Quote: And with 4 boats, and 10 motorcycles, I always have something new to fix as most stuff breaks when I thought I had it all covered....keeps me on the ball! And I doubt I'll ever catch up. Be well

Remember, "the one who dies with the most toys wins."
I don't go anywhere without my toolbox and I don't have but 2 boats, 3 cars, 2 houses and 2 more houses my parents own that I help with. Fixing things has to be a labor of love most times or I would owe everyone who has to fix for me.