Re: Need some help with transom!!!
I am wanting to just cut off the whole transom and start over. Or should I just keep the skin on the back with the woven roving? I can probably cut just the inside skin and replace the ply inside. The brace i am talking about can be seen in the pic above. It is at the top of the transom on the left side. It connects the transom to the side of the hull. I was also considering putting a angled piece of wood from the transom to the stringers. It will be the first time ever doung this kind of work, that is why I am asking what I should do and how to do it. Thanks!
the pic isnt working in my puter....just a red x....upload to photo bucket...resize to 640 x 480 copy the img tag and paste it on your should work. im gonna guess.....
from the inside of the boat....the wood of the transom has a woven "skin" on it....that comes out on a wood replacement transom repair.....then the old plywood is removed however you can....hammer, chisel, grinder, or if you get lucky and the old transom has some stregnth can use a come along to remove it....see hull ext in progress thread....
after the wood is removed....clean the hull inner skin with a grinder....dont go thru the hull....vaccume and wash with your new transom by using a template made fron the inside of the hull....
the exact thickness must be maintained....uasually this is acheved by laminating two peices of plywood togeather with fiberglass or other method....(i like glassing it togeather).
after the area is cleaned and your new transom is built....add a layer of matt to the inside of the hull. use unwaxed resin if your goin poly.(this will fill any grinding voids)...(also add resin to the back side of the new wood transom.. when the glass is almost dry put in the new transom. you will need to drill some holes in the transom.....try to use the holes that are allready there..(eye hooks....garboard...)
use angle iron or what ever you can to bolt the two peices to the hull....make sure resin squeezes out of the holes and there is no air spaces between the hull and the new transom....let cure...fill all voids around the transom/hull with peanut butter. and glass new transom to hull.(this is the skin you removed earyler....done
this process with pics is shown in detail in the hull extension thread.
and many times in the compleated projects forum.
also i think the angles you are talking about from the stringers to the transom, are called "knees"....i used them....its a good idea.