Need info on small claims court


May 17, 2001
Re: Need info on small claims court

No problem lakelivin :) <br /><br />Talked to the Mrs last night. She expressed to me that maybe the court would press charges on his domestic anger/violence and put a warrant out for his arrest! She figured that way it wouldn't have been us to lock him up.<br /><br />In her first marriage of abuse where her husband had busted her teeth, broke her leg, and other bones as well, she does not handle men getting mad very well. So I understand how she feels on this matter. We have been married for 7 years now with only one argument where I raised my voice to her. (She got a credit card without my approval and failed to make the required payments) Other than that we get along excellent.<br /><br />She is now convinced to drop and forget him. Shunning him from family get togethers and trips will eventually get to my daughter. Prior to my daughter hooking up with the POS/SIL we took all of them to Dinsey and Universal, and other places as well at least once a year.<br /><br />Time will eventually take care of the problem with him. Gotta be patient and stand my ground as I did with my son Carl.<br /><br />Note on Carl. He stopped by the other day like a lost puppy. Told me his mom kicked him out. (I figured it would happen!) I was straight up with him, "Stay away from here and I will leave you alone as well". He is still working his job that was promised to him from his step dad. He admitted that things were totally differnent now that he is 18. DUH, like I never told him that before. So far everything is cool with him. I still worry about him, but that is the father part of me..<br /><br />Thanks to all that has posted their responses. Your are a great bunch of friends.. :D