NCAA Realignment ?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 30, 2007
Growing up in Indiana, I was wondering what other folks think of Nebraska moving to the Big Ten.

The admiral is a Purdue alumni & I am a big Indiana University fan. She is not a happy camper, more of a traditionalist, while I think it is good for the conference. Even if it is just another good football team to beat the crap out of IU every year.

I would like to see them add Oklahoma & Missouri or Texas Tech, just to even things out and keep the OU-Neb rivalry.

What is the reaction in Nebraska and the other Big 12 fans ?


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 17, 2008
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

Growing up in Indiana, I was wondering what other folks think of Nebraska moving to the Big Ten.

The admiral is a Purdue alumni & I am a big Indiana University fan. She is not a happy camper, more of a traditionalist, while I think it is good for the conference. Even if it is just another good football team to beat the crap out of IU every year.

I would like to see them add Oklahoma & Missouri or Texas Tech, just to even things out and keep the OU-Neb rivalry.

What is the reaction in Nebraska and the other Big 12 fans ?

As a Big 12 fan, I wasn't exactly thrilled about the possible breakup of the league. Be advised that the fans do travel and if the home team doesn't fill the stadium, Nebraska fans will.

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

So if I understand, you have one college conference called the "Big 10"...and it has 12 teams? you have a second conference calling itself the "Big 12"....and it now has 10 teams?

Hey, makes perfect sense to me....:rolleyes:;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

And the Pac-10 is now 11 teams since they added Colorado and will be even bigger once Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Texas Tech, Texas...join in.

Its all about the money.

What I wonder is if the academic requirements will be still held as high in the new conference as opposed to the SEC where you get in if you can breathe.


Dec 21, 2004
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

I have very mixed feelings about all of this. In one way, it'll make the Big 10 more relevant, make the schools a lot more money, increase recruiting power, with the possiblity of more National Championship contention. However, it will make Ohio State v. Michigan impossible to contest every year. And that is a BAD thing. Also, Nebraska is a lot farther away than most folks realize, so travel will not be as for the schools involved. Especially in the other sports, besides football, where they play more than 1 game a week.
This is just another example of why a real playoff/championship system is needed.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

I am a Pac-10 fan, and am not too thrilled in having a new Pac-16, or whatever it may be.

I am sure this is about money, but none of it is coming my way so I'm a fair bit skeptical


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 9, 2010
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

Growing up in Indiana, I was wondering what other folks think of Nebraska moving to the Big Ten.

As an Okie living in Kansas i was happy with our confrence. I'm not happy with it at all.

The admiral is a Purdue alumni & I am a big Indiana University fan. She is not a happy camper, more of a traditionalist, while I think it is good for the conference. Even if it is just another good football team to beat the crap out of IU every year.

Nebraska died when Tom Osborn left his coaching job. They were a nightmare for my Sooners but that was a long time ago.

I would like to see them add Oklahoma & Missouri or Texas Tech, just to even things out and keep the OU-Neb rivalry.

Again, the OU/NEB rivalry died long ago. I do wish it were alive and well but it turned into OU/ Tex rivalry when Nebraska faded away. I loved the yearly Thanksgiving game between Oklahoma and Nebraska.

What is the reaction in Nebraska and the other Big 12 fans ?

Not real favorable so far.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 21, 2010
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

1: It's easier for Big 12 fans to travel as the conference was before, but if OU, OSU, Texas, and Tech move to PAC 10 thats alot of travel for not just the teams, but cheerleaders, band, etc.. That's alot more school to miss and more money spend on travel IMO

2: I wish Big 12 would invite some teams possibly looking to move up in competition instead of breaking up altogether.

I sure hope they televise these games as well as they used to. What will we do on Saturday's when the lake is too cold if the OU game isn't televised??


Jun 24, 2006
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

So if I understand, you have one college conference called the "Big 10"...and it has 12 teams? you have a second conference calling itself the "Big 12"....and it now has 10 teams?

Hey, makes perfect sense to me....:rolleyes:;)

Yep, that's about the size of it.

Bear in mind, the Big 10 has had eleven teams since adding Penn St in 1990. Just sayin'.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

What I wonder is if the academic requirements will be still held as high in the new conference as opposed to the SEC where you get in if you can breathe.

Without corroboration, that is a remark meant to inflame and insult a great many on this board. I don't see it as necessary to the conversation.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

OK..maybe that was a little harsh. All athletes need to meet the minimum requirements as set by the NCAA. Bottom line is that most universities in the PAC-10 and Big-10 have minimum requirements on their own that preclude a huge percentage of athletes from being admitted to the school. In addition, many of the higher academic universities do not have certain majors that other schools have that attract a great percentage of athletes. For example, I will give USC(Souther Cal) as an example since I can't stand them, has a business major where math is not a requirement. How do you have a business degree without math?

Here is an interesting site that lists the ranking of the various conferences. Notice the Big12 and SEC. If you took Vanderbilt out of the SEC its rankings would be even lower. Of course these are of all students at the universities and not just the athletes.


Jun 14, 2010
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

As a Colorado University fan that feels we lucked out a couple of times and a fifth down helped us out, I like the Colorado move to the PAC mainly because we recruit alot out of California. I think we will match up better in the PAC and if you pass on your 2nd invite you can be sure there isn't a third.

As for a PAC 16 i think it will kill the other schools in the PAC. Hate to say it as a CU fan but OU and Texas will be the top teams for awhile. Especially if Lane K can't get guys to come to USC until they are able to play in the big games. Total rebuild for USC for the next couple years.

As for Nebraska and ND (maybe) going to the BIG Ten (12). Nebraska isn't what it used to be! But I do think they can come in and shake things up. Not that the will represent the conference in a National Champ game but the can cause a headache for Mich, Penn, and Wisc. ND just better jump in while they have an invite. The powerhouse that they were before I was alive is gone and they need help.

Just my Opinions though!!!


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

I think the addition of Nebraska to the Big 10 is going to be a good fit. I just hope the Big 10 keeps it at 12 and thats it. I have no use for ND to be in the conference.....they want to be independent, let them and see how often they get into a BCS game.

I think two 6 team divisions with a title game would be a great thing.....would add some $ to the conference, and then Ohio State wouldn't get accused of backing into a BCS game every year by not playing the last week while the other powerhouse conferences are playing title games.

On Wisconsin!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

I have no use for ND to be in the conference.....they want to be independent, let them and see how often they get into a BCS game!
They want to be independent when they choose for a TV contract. Will be interesting what happens when that contract runs out. They are in the Big East for basketball. I always found that weird.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

It appears Texas (and friends) turned the Pac-11 down.

And all the universities will make all sorts of noise about academics, and student athletes, and competitive balance and who knows what all, but it is all about money.

Can't say I'm disappointed. Maybe the Pac-10 will add one more team with CU (Perhaps Utah?) become the the Pac-12, have a playoff in football, and all will be well.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

Nobody is talkng about it but this alignment affects basketball as well. I like it the way it is where we play every team twice. I hope they keep it at the Pac-11 for now. My bet is this is going to come up again though.

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

Doesn't really bother me too a Michigan State fan I appreciate having another team we can beat in basketball every year;)...course we'll lose to them in football any time we play the Cornhuskers but that's ok I guess.

I don't want the Irish in the Big Ten either...they can keep walking to the beat of their own drum...and good luck negotiating with NBC for a new contract after the Chuck Weiss debacle:p


Dec 21, 2004
Re: NCAA Realignment ?

Doesn't really bother me too a Michigan State fan I appreciate having another team we can beat in basketball every year;)...course we'll lose to them in football any time we play the Cornhuskers...

They aren't that good, and Michigan State isn't that bad, in football.

In regard to ND, yeah, lets see how many BCS games they'll make as an independent. I'll give you a hint, it'll be more than they deserve. The criteria they must meet to make the BCS is a joke, hence those couple/few years they went and got WAXED! It makes perfect sense to me why ND doesn't join a conference, and they'd be crazy to do so. Awesome TV contract they get to themselves and a BCS bid if they can win about 9 games?! Sweet deal indeed!