Re: Navigation sticker on my dash (pics.)
Those reminders are a great idea. I still encounter people on the water with absolutely no clue about rights of way and no interest in educating themselves. Some twit actually went out of his way to circle around and cut me off because he thought (mistakenly) I had caused him some inconenience in a channel by taking the right of way that was mine all along. First case of water rage I had ever seen...
Lesson for me was....when assuming your right of way, do so as if the other guy is a clueless idiot and will crash into you regardless.
As a handy reminder of the Danger Zone concept if you don't have a sticker -- look at your own navigation lights and imagine them as traffic signals to other boats.
That is, your red port light is telling those approaching from that side to stop or avoid you so you can proceed (as you have the right of way).
The green light on your starboard side is telling those approaching from that side they can proceed (therefore you have to stop or avoid as they have the right of way).
This assumes you can see your own nav lights tho.