Smoke is done for the night ... Guess it was good I didn't take him! Poor guy! He didn't need Twerp doing that to him, and then to be done early, again ... Sad
Smoke is done for the night ... Guess it was good I didn't take him! Poor guy! He didn't need Twerp doing that to him, and then to be done early, again ... Sad
Kenseth's wiggle did him in. That was a finish! Kahne, the 13th winner and in the Chase. Looks like Tyke will win the week after the results are official.
Danica got her best ever finish, 6th place. Kenseth clinched a Chase spot. The final pre-Chase race next weekend at Richmond with two open spots and four drivers are vying to get those two spots without a win. A new winner will knock out all but one of the four remaining contenders.
Almost thought I was watching a Dega or Bristal race. My fantasy picks were dropping like flies, ended up with 3 of the bottom 5 places.
Hamlin pit crew was awesome. Made Harvick re-start in the outside lane 5 or 6 times, then Menard finished Harvick off.
I was watching the recording as the race was going on catching up near the last few laps. The recording stopped with 4 laps to go. The screen went blank and it took a short while to get the actual race on. Next thing I see is the second(?) attempt at a restart. Never did find out what caused the the caution on lap 4.
Have to give Kahne lots of credit for stepping up when it really counted.