I watch the Daytona every year and then a few races on the Super Speedways. I have attended the Daytona 3 or 4 times I think and the Indy once. I am more of an Indy fan. Less F-1 these days as all they seem to be is parades with the pole sitter usually running 1st the entire race, boring. When we retired from ball we all said we would drive Stock Cars, a bunch o fat guys driving in circles in family cars only turning left, anyone can do that right? No not right, these guys and gal today are in tip top shape. I couldn't believe how small they are now. Can anyone tell me why that Danica girl still has a ride? Maybe because she does commercials for Dentists?
I have never done the Fantasy League thing. Someday, thanks for the invite.
I read an article somewhere recently that in the near future if not now our young Gen X'ers and Millennials will not have a favorite "Home team." Because of all the Fantasy leagues you root for the player not the team. Ticket sales are expected to drop in all 4 major North American team sports when these generations are able to afford to attend, if they are ever able to afford it. Unlike the NBA, NHL, Major League Baseball and the NFL Motorsports is an individual driver sport rather than the team thing. Interesting. The NFL is already feeling the Fantasy League effect. Ticket prices are ridiculous. Went to a Bills game in September, 2 beers and 2 death dogs were $38.00 CDN!!!!! (edit, my wife just told me more like 50 bucks) End Zone seat was $190.00 CDN. It was a $600.00 game not including beer and wings at exit 48A off the I-90.