I've learned a tremdous amount from this BB. I really need some advice and opinions of the Pro's that I've seen on this BB. Like the TV says, "These guys are good!" My old motor bit the dust. With my finances, buying a new motor will be my one and only shot at continuing boating for the forseeable future. I won't be able to buy another. I am looking at buying a new, inbox Johnson 200HP, 25" shaft, from a dealer goin Out of Bus. It's for saltwater as the dealer is at beach. Here are some of my concerns: <br />1. When lookin at several pages of this BB, I see many, many problems with Johnson motors. Hopefully, that is because so many are out there.<br /><br />2. 2001 is year OMC went belly up. what kind of Quality<br /><br />3..Basically, whatcha think. Buy this motor for approx 3 grand or so less than what I want, Yamaha or wait a year or so before I can even begin to think about buying new motor. <br /><br />Sorry about long posting. I really would appreciate any opinions, pos or neg. Thanks