My New 12.5 Ft. SIB w/ Pictures!


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 2, 2011
Re: My New 12.5 Ft. SIB w/ Pictures!

I've been looking at the JP Marine Patrol series and just found this thread. I was wondering if any of you have more time on your boats now and what you think of the build quality?

Here's a link to another thread with some insight.

I bought mine I believe it was last July and used it through the summer and fall. I took it camping. Now, it's my first sib, so I can't compare it to other models, but I am able to say with certainty that they are build incredibly tough. The bottom has a dual layer of PVC helping the points of the sib that see the most use to be more durable. I believe they claim the (14.5 ft) patrol series (the one I bought) weighs 280 lbs (I could be off by a little) which includes the 90lb aluminum floor. I swear this thing weighs closer to 400 pounds. I don't have the ability to weight it, but I bet it's much more than 280. I don't have the shipping papers anymore, but I think it was 360 lbs, although that had a skid included I'm sure. But the point it, it's heavier than what the site claims. I had an incident once on the water when I brought my 2 85 lb dogs on it. They love the water. Well, one jumped in and it was over his head and he immediately started panicking. I grabbed his collar and was pulling him up the tube of the boat. He's clawing ferociously and made my arm bleed. He also scraped the side of the tube with a great amount of power. The tube barely has a mark. No one would even be able to see where it was unless I pointed it out to them and they studied the area hard. I was afraid it was tear the PVC. Nope. Just an almost invisible small scratch. My arm wasn't so lucky.


Mar 27, 2012
Re: My New 12.5 Ft. SIB w/ Pictures!

Thanks, I've read Pack Rats posts and enjoyed his pictures quite a bit.

I have some rambunctious dogs as well, glad to hear the fabric faired as well as it did for you.