Re: My Boat Project a few years ago
Soory for the individual posts, but this is my first time putting up pictures. i will eventually get better. Thanks for your patience.
Ayuh,........ You're gettin' it.......
Now you can go back,+ use the Edit Button in the little "interact" drop down menu to Fix what you've Done........
You need to Resize your photos that are posted at the Hosting site,......
A size of 360X360 pixels works Real Nice here at iboats....
480X480 is the Uppermost Extreme of being able to Fit in these threads.....
Then edit the 2 you have Side By Side so they are above,+ below each other......
Btw,.......That Edit Button works,..... You Don't Need to be posting New Posts for all of these pictures.....
Once you Fix your photos,.... The rest of our posts will Also Fit the screen.....