Re: My 1980 GT-150 restore moving forward
Hi again.Thank you guys again for trying to help me post my restoring still won't let me.
Im trying to do all this from my phone,a Samsung infuse.that may be the problem.i don't have internet at home.who has the time when your this deep in glastron hell anyway,rite??
Really tho...i am doing a cap off ,ground up on this old girl.Im a professional auto mechanic not a pro boat guy.I have had alot of ideas from this site and others.i just finished and sprayed the hull .at this point i have alot of ideas and help to offer for payback for all the help I've received .i avoided a whole lot of problems from good advice.specially on a cap off restore .i just flipped the hull back over,very easily .Today i removed more of the prior "repairs" from the cap.another laugh and itch step.Anyway, hopefully i will be parking in a wifi spot with my laptop tomorrow sometime to try pics the meantime ,if anyone has any questions about a outboard powered speedboat ,i would be happy to share my knowledge.