Murphy's law


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 13, 2014
Took the boat out for the first time in a few years. 1984 35 hp Johnson. a little hard to start at first but it wont go WOT unless i close the choke most of the way. There were a few times with the choke open it and throttle wide open it would suddenly take off like a jet and run fine but not for long. I did flush out the gas can. replaced the primer bulb. I have clear fule line and a new inline filter but I do see a lot of air in the line. With the gas line completely filled with gas between the bulb and engine it will still run like crap. Took the cover off the fuel pump and the filter looks brand new. Maybe the main jet is clogged up? I always run the carb dry when I bring it home so the carb dont gum up. But it has been sitting for two years. Any one want to try and point me in the right direction? Thank you?


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Motors are not supposed to run WOT unless the choke is closed all the way.

"few Years"....the gas is crap. Drain and refill.

If using the choke other than starting and initial few seconds of warm up, the carb needs to be cleaned.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2024
I have found some carburetors DO NOT run dry. they can be tilted. Or have about a 1/8" of gas on the bottom of the carburetor bowl.
Result can be dried out parts of gasoline laying there. Springtime is too late to prevent the dried out layer of gasoline.
I forget a lot of years to tip the motor.... unscrew the drain plug on the Evinrude 28 SPL. It is a great motor. (y)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 13, 2014
By the way. Sometimes when I squeeze the primer bulb it will be hard as a rock. What would keep some knuckle head like me from squeezing the primer bulb to the point gas is gushing out of the carburetor?


Jul 19, 2019
My vote is carb clean as well. Simple easy carbs. As soon as you remove the bowl that usually tells the story.

Gas coming out the vent hole typically means dirty carb when priming.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
With fuel run out of the carburetor , it stays clean.-----To me the SUDDEN surge of power indicates / sounds like a spark issue.---Does spark jump a gap of 3/8" on both leads ?--Run with a timing light to see if you can pinpoint the fault with spark.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2024
When I get a stumble from a rapid push of the throttle lever forward. It is beginning of badly fouled TROLLING sparkplugs. Or the gas tank is running out of gas.
Or some water in the gas tank and water separator bowl.
It is always something.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
I have found some carburetors DO NOT run dry. they can be tilted. Or have about a 1/8" of gas on the bottom of the carburetor bowl.
Result can be dried out parts of gasoline laying there. Springtime is too late to prevent the dried out layer of gasoline.
I forget a lot of years to tip the motor.... unscrew the drain plug on the Evinrude 28 SPL. It is a great motor. (y)
Yes, "most" of the gas comes out, but not all.

The general consensus back in the 1950's was to run the motor out of gas if it was not to be used in the short term. Grandpa always did that and I followed his rule. Naturally, everyone has an opinion and their rule works all the time. On motors that I have bought new I have never had to rebuild a carb.

One exception....My last 2-stroke was a 25 Yamaha. I hated that motor. It never would start well. A dozen pulls needed every time. THAT one had the fuel line connected 100% of the time and the gas was never drained. It was an improvement but still started like crap.

Squeezing the primer bulb until it gets hard signals that it's ready to start. At that point if gas comes out of the carb, there is something wrong.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 13, 2014
Bingo! Took the carb apart and look where the crud is. Right at the drain plug. The rest of the bowl is spotless. I guess the only way to get it 100% dry is to run it until it stalls then tilt the motor then remove the drain plug. Ya learn something new every day. Anybody think sta-bil fuel stabilizer would have keep this from happing? o boy photo wont post


Jul 19, 2019
I run mine out of gas except my big ones that are permanently fixed fuel lines. The trick though, is to use them and not let the gas get old.

Seriously though, when I get engines and I buy quite a few, 80 percent of the time it's a carb related issue.

Glad you found the issue.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 8, 2009
fuel stabilizer may have helped. I've seen a can of mixed gas go more than a few years and work fine. uhh .. it must still just evaporate out though and turn to gum. just drain it, now that you know. I always thought just running them dry was good enough, guess not always.