4233250 the tach is a 80s us marine tach idk what a nr isThe signal wire runs from ONE of the YELLOW wires on the rectifier, if that's a new tach it probably means 8 poles which will work. What is the serial nr. of your motor? Did you find the tach with the nr?
Yes serial 4233250 so I would have to move the brown wire for the tach to work so white would be ign and then black to ground and the brown would be moved to a yellow off the rectifier that would be my signal ? Why does a tach specify a certain cylinder?A typical tachometer would have several settings. It is powered by the stator pulses. Outboard motors use a common stator, so a common tach can be used as well. Merc's generally uses the 6 cyl/12 pole setting. In your case, you will need to see if it works properly with your motor.
One more thing. 1973 and earlier Merc 850 motors powered the tach off the switchbox, versus the rectifier. To use the modern tachometers, the brown wire must be moved from the switchbox to one of the yellow wires on the the rectifier. Your wiring diagram shows an earlier Merc, which would need the wiring change. Is that what you have?
So I wired up the tach and when I turn the engine over it reads rpms on the gauge but I didn't move that brown wire if uts showing its reading would I have to move it ? Not sure how all that worksA typical tachometer would have several settings. It is powered by the stator pulses. Outboard motors use a common stator, so a common tach can be used as well. Merc's generally uses the 6 cyl/12 pole setting. In your case, you will need to see if it works properly with your motor.
One more thing. 1973 and earlier Merc 850 motors powered the tach off the switchbox, versus the rectifier. To use the modern tachometers, the brown wire must be moved from the switchbox to one of the yellow wires on the the rectifier. Your wiring diagram shows an earlier Merc, which would need the wiring change. Is that what you have?
Not sure how that would work ?