Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?


Dec 9, 2013
A friend of mine bought this boat with little to no homework.

He bought a new 2012 rinker 196 with a 4.3 carb mercuriser about a week ago. After doing some research he realized the boat is H E A V Y!

Compared to a byliner that weights about 2600lbs perhaps? We have an old 23 foot boat and it only weighs 3100 pounds. The Rinker weighs 3400! 800 lbs more than a comparable?

A 19foot boat that weighs more than a 23 with a significantly smaller engine. It makes a guy wonder what type of a boat he bought and if he will be able to do the water sports he enjoys?

Just doesn't make any sense to me how that boat can weigh so much. Maybe we are looking at the numbers incorrectly?

Anyone own a small ringer runabout with the 4.3? I thought the 4.3 would be good for this boat; however I'm thinking it may not be enough power to pull up a slalom skier?

Any thoughts or experience would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone with a small rinker has any experience going from the factory 3 blade to a SS 4 blade, we would like to hear your experience. Thanks!


The guy who didn't do his homework :)
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Oct 25, 2010
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

I have not looked at the numbers for myself but generally more weight translates in to solid construction (thicker hull, stringers, transom etc) all good things. As for water sports on a heavy boat the worst thing that will happen is you will have to prop it for hole shot or top speed. The boat should have an Alpha one outdrive, most people have two props and change them out depending on what they want to do on the lake that given day. Trim tabs will help out a bit too. They will help get the boat on plain faster and keep it there.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 30, 2010
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

I think he is looking for a problem that may not exist. Wait till you get it in the water and try it out before doing anything.


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

Make sure you're comparing apples to apples. I've seen instances in which a boat was offered in both I/O and outboard configurations and the listed dry weight was for the outboard model, sans engine. A situation like that could cut the differential between the Bayliner and Rinker, by more than half.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 23, 2011
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

I recently bought a Larson. Comparing, it is almost 600 pounds heavier than the original boat I was looking at. Other boat brand withheld.

Yes, the Larson is heavy but outright performance was not my goal. The power plant is more than adequate for what I need.

I am quite happy with my purchase. The boat has a very solid feel that the other brand lacked.

I don't think a 19' boat is grossly under powered with a 4.3L.

If water sports was my #1 goal, I probably would have opted one engine size up. But, you may be looking at $3K or more for the next upsized engine package.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 30, 2012
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

That is a dang heavy boat for a 19'er with a 190HP 4.3L. It weights 700lbs more than my 19'8" Stingray that has the 220HP 4.3L in it. My boat performs really well, but I think that Rinker will be under-powered. My suggestion would be a Mercury High-5 prop. It's meant for water sports and will give him the best performance for pulling skiers.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

While you wont be able to blaze trail's at 60 mph you will be able to ride a 2-3 chop in comfort and saftey. Relax speed is not all it's cracked up to be....Nice boat enjoy.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 23, 2011
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

While you wont be able to blaze trail's at 60 mph you will be able to ride a 2-3 chop in comfort and saftey. Relax speed is not all it's cracked up to be....Nice boat enjoy.

Agreed. Keep it enjoyable not frightening.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

Compared to a byliner that weights about 2600lbs perhaps? We have an old 23 foot boat and it only weighs 3100 pounds. The Rinker weighs 3400! 800 lbs more than a comparable?
If you are getting your weight results from NADA, they may be wrong.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

While you wont be able to blaze trail's at 60 mph you will be able to ride a 2-3 chop in comfort and saftey.
There is nothing comfortable about being in a 19' boat with gunwale height and higher (2-3') chop. :lol:
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Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

Was just going to post same BoatTEST link as above. One thing to note is that a heftier boat will feel more solid on the water. While I don't see this boat as fast, it will pull out a slalom skier. I would not do any prop shopping until you get her in the water. Need data for that. Welcome aboard!!!

BTW, Stingrays are considered unusually light. They have good performance numbers, but owners often complain about a rough ride and porpoising. No knock on Stingray, but there are definitely two sides to these coins.
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Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

the Rinker has more creature comfort stuff than the bayliner. more stuff means its heavier. heavier in a boat is a good thing for ride quality.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 23, 2011
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

Was just going to post same link ^^^^^^ One thing to note is that a heftier boat will feel more solid on the water. While I don't see this boat as fast, it will pull out a slalom skier. I would not do any prop shopping until you get her in the water. Need data for that. Welcome aboard!!!

BTW, Stingrays are considered unusually light. They have good performance numbers, but owners often complain about a rough ride and porpoising. No knock on Stingray, but there are definitely two sides to these coins.

I wasn't going to say that but that was one comparison I made.


Oct 25, 2010
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

BTW, Stingrays are considered unusually light. They have good performance numbers, but owners often complain about a rough ride and porpoising. No knock on Stingray, but there are definitely two sides to these coins.

Yeah, I loved my 2011 Stingray 215LR on a nice calm day on the lake but when the wind picked up or it was a busy day and there was chop forget it. I was just knocked around non stop.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

There is nothing comfortable about being in a 19' boat with gunwale height and higher (2-3') chop. :lol:

You apparently need a ride in a light 1800 lb boat in a good chop..that Rinker will would feel like a yacht in comparison...:D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 23, 2011
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

Yeah, I loved my 2011 Stingray 215LR on a nice calm day on the lake but when the wind picked up or it was a busy day and there was chop forget it. I was just knocked around non stop.

We have a Crownline, in our fleet. Talk about heavy!

But, it's a "Destroyer" out on the lake, compared to anything else, in it's size class. It is a SOLID boat.

It's surely not the fastest but it commands respect. It has a "presence".

The Rinker would be similar.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2011
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

Some boats are lighter for what they didn't include in their construction.
I bet that boat feels plenty solid in choppy water.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 23, 2011
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

Some boats are lighter for what they didn't include in their construction.
I bet that boat feels plenty solid in choppy water.

I could not agree more.

Doing a little snooping around you start to see BIG differences.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 30, 2012
Re: Mr Dealer, Can I get my check back?

Man you guys get off topic fast. OP asked if a 190HP 4.3L V6 would be enough power for his friends Rinker. More specifically for slalom sking not about build quality vs weight....

The 4.8 seconds to plane and a top speed of 41.8 MPH at 13.6GPH posted in that article sucks.

Compare it to the performance numbers of the Bayliner 195 done by and you'll see what I mean:
Playing - Bayliner 195 Bowrider - | Bayliner | Powered By

Wait till it has about 6 people in it. It's going to be a complete dog. If someone it happy with that kind of anemic performance more power to them. I think it's going to struggle with a grown man trying to slalom ski behind it, and if you prop till where it will work OK the cruising economy is going to go to crap. I would be looking to exchange that boat for the same model with the V8 in it.