Mounting Trolling Motor

Jul 10, 2005
Hi all! My husband and I own a 1985 Forrester phantom sport-16’.
We recently had an issue with our motor which has prompted us to get a trolling motor for emergency to get back to launch since paddling is difficult on our age and bad backs.
The issue we’re having is there isn’t enough space on the transom to put the trolling bracket. Well technically there is but the steering for the motor is in the way for us to properly place the bracket.
We’re wondering if anyone has ideas for a work around? The bow is out as there are rails and no room.
Thanks for your help!


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 25, 2010
Just spitballing here, but would it be possible to rig a removable bracket for the trolling motor off one side of the boat?
The other thing to consider is your battery capacity. Running the trolling motor from your primary power source probably isn’t the best idea. Even my little 14’ jonboat has a separate battery for the troller.