Re: Mounting bracket holes
I have 2 pro marine fiberglass videos that show those kind of repairs using 2 similar approaches<br /><br />Approach 1<br /><br />Grind and sand out the holes chamfering edges to give plenty of surface to bond to and clean the area of dust. A die grinder works great or you can use a dremel with a carbide bit for small holes like you have.<br /><br />Mask the area to keep surrounding area clean<br /><br />Use cats hair type fiberglass filler (it is a putty with long strands of glass mixed in)<br /><br />As the putty starts to harden (you can just dig a finger nail in - happens within minutes) use a sure-form (like a cheese grater for wood) to grate the filled area level - this stuff dries as hard as a rock and if you wait till it fully hardens and try to sand you will be there all day. Grating while it is semi-hard makes it really easy. Remove mask and re-mask with clean painter's type masking tape.<br /><br />Use marine fairing compound (like bondo but waterproof) to bring the area about flush - again use the grater when it just begins to harden<br /><br />Fair again f necessary and sand smooth<br /><br />Mix your gelcoat to color match, spray with hobby type air sprayer, spray with proper sealer, wet sand then buff.<br /><br />Approach 2<br /><br />Same basic approach as #1 but you make your own cats hair by wetting and shredding some cloth. Then a layer of cloth over the top...<br /><br />I have used approach #1 on areas as large as 12" x 8" If you take your time, work in layers you'll end up with a perfect, undetectable repair.