Dodge I just posted over you.hmm:facepalm:
Originally Posted by 84EdH
Dodge I just posted over you.hmm:facepalm:
NOOOOOOO, say it aint SOOOOOOO, I don't see how that could happen, I've only done it more times then I can count. it's all good
Thanks Guys i bought this boat yesterday and the guy had said it needed an out drive water pump. i was looking around and a bunch of wires arent connected so im going to try and do some searching as to where they go. the serial number on the engine and outdrive stickers have warn off is there any other places to find them? sorry im such a beginner but thanks for helping me
No problem, and serial number location info is also in Don's Adults only section, and the Merc section. Here is a quick link
Transom assembly # 0C382348
Drive Serial # 3252209
Thanks Again
Also the guy said the rebuilt engine hasnt been run in the water this past summer so no traces of water should be in it correct? this weekend im going to give it an oil change and go from there and hope i can get her running before april
Transom assembly # 0C382348
Drive Serial # 3252209
Thanks Again
Also the guy said the rebuilt engine hasnt been run in the water this past summer so no traces of water should be in it correct? this weekend im going to give it an oil change and go from there and hope i can get her running before april
Your transom serial number "0C382348" is the outdrive drive serial number. Could still use the engine S/N unless the other number you listed is the one taken from the starter. If this is the case you may have a repower.
A trace of water may be found if that, but that should be about all
i found a number on the block and its GM 2770087 is this the serial number?
Nope,... My guess is it's a GM castin' number,....
the number yer lookin' for is stamped into an aluminum tag,...
If ya can't find the number, post a few pictures of the motor,...
We're lookin' for which ignition ya got to narrow down the Vintage,...