Motor Never Flushed


Apr 13, 2003
My 4hp Johnson 1985,which I am ashamed to say I never flushed it out in the 4 years I used it. <br />I have now pulled apart my engine to replace a piston ring. I removed the head gasket and discovered the aftermarth of never flushing my motor. The water cooling chanels are full of dirt and salt. <br />Now i need to know what is the best way to clean all this residue out?


Chief Petty Officer
May 2, 2005
Re: Motor Never Flushed

Bozza, you can get a product called Salt-away (or another brand called Salt-X). You run this through the motor using a special hose flushing kit (or you can soak parts in it) and it dissolves the salt. People have reported good results using this product.<br /><br />No doubt your impeller housing will be pretty gunked up as well.

Joey One

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 8, 2005
Re: Motor Never Flushed

I've done this job. I didn't use a salt=away product; but a few days soaking in this sounds like a good idea.<br />Using very fine sandpaper and a very flat surface, sand the head to a shiny surface. You can then see what is salt and what is metal. If you have all metal between the water passages and the combustion chamber, you can salvage the head. Then just dig out the salt product (about the consistency of cement)<br />with a suitable tool. Don't use a power tool.<br />Be careful to salvage the "deflectors" (small peices of rubber) before you start scraping.<br />Use a drill bit, operated by hand, to clear passages in the block.