motor mount bolt hole repair?


Jun 30, 2004
Hi Folks, <br />heres what i have to work with.<br /><br />
<br /><br />heres what i have found as a possible way of repairing what i have got to work with. about the middle of the page of the link is about what i have. a repair when wood is inaccessable. the wood that is left is not totally gone. just oversized more than i can get away with. <br /><br /> <br /><br />anyone ever tried this type of repair. or is there a better alternitive? <br />the only problem i can see to start with is that my holes don't have a bottom. it goes thru the board and into the void in the bottom of the hull. so i would have no way to start to hold any products in the hole w/o falling thru the bottom. any ideas how to put a bottom to it so i can fill it up? buddy came up with a drink umbrella with a wood stick. just something to stop the flow out....<br /><br />other ideas?<br /><br />FBT (BB), saw yer ? about how my il6 is on another post. thanks for rememberin me. :) anyways, i aint done nothing yet. i got nothing to mount anything to at this point, yet. sure do wish you were closer. that block would sure be enticeing. at this point i think, if i got the bread, that i won't be happy w/o havein me a jasper longblock. time will tell.....and the longer the time, hopefully, the more bread i'll have to be ontoit.... but now i got to deal with this 1st as i got no front motor mount holes at this point. one thing after another...ah, the fun of boatin....


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 1, 2006
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

What has become popular with some wooden boat owners and builders is to over drill the motor mount holes, fill full of thickened epoxy the redrill for the correct size motor mount bolt...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 25, 2006
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

i redid my engine stringers made new ones and glassed them in.<br />they are easy to take out i use a big ice scraper there is a web page with a photo of my engine room


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 25, 2006
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

drill a larger hole then you could tap in a dowel coated with epoxy then when that has cured drill a new mounting hole.


Jun 30, 2004
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

thanks for all the replys. sport15's idea is the direction i am leaning. <br />nothvanwatertaxi. i'd like to get away with the bigger bolt idea but the motor mount won't allow me to go to the next size up bolt, also my bolt holes have the backs blowen(roted)out. don't look like there was much wood left below the original bolt holes, and what was left is gone. i now have holes that are complete thru the mounting board. which makes me wonder what i am into, i don't suspect a stringer. though i believe there are two on the inside of the motor mount bolt holes. i'd also thought about the epoxying in a dowl too and that seems like perhaps a viable idea too. i'd just as soon not cut it out and reglass it in. if i can help it. though to me that is the proper repair.<br /><br />thanks for the suggestions. the link above is the direction i think i'm leanin to. though i still ain't figured out how to fill up the hole since the hole is completely thru the board. i need to figure out a way to plug the bottom of the hole so i can fill it up.....


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 29, 2005
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

Ziggy, could this be a good use of seacast? Thick enough to not run out, and it would fill in completly to create one strong mount. <br />See the link, Seacast<br /><br />It's pulverized fiberglass and resin. Sets up ROCK HARD! <br /><br />I'd call them and send a pic, they might be able to advise, it would never rot. I'd overdrill but not all the way through, just to widen the hole. The bolts would be set into the material like j-bolts in concrete? Put a nut at the bottom to plug the hole and center the bolt (motor mount). Pour the seacast around it, let it set up and cure. You could create a template to hold the bolts in alignment until it cures. I'll draw a picture if you think you'll do this. Might help.


May 15, 2004
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

go to westsystem dot com, order their free kit of booklets, and study the screw hole repair (thickened epoxy).<br /><br />Be sure to re-align the engine when you get ready to button it back up.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 20, 2003
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

Originally posted by ziggystardust:<br /> <br /><br />the only problem i can see to start with is that my holes don't have a bottom. it goes thru the board and into the void in the bottom of the hull.
If that's a picture of a stringer to which a motor mount is attached, and you're saying it's not filled with anything and the center of it is open down into the bilge or the the hull. You may have a bigger problem if the center of it was at one time filled with something like wood or foam.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

I am going to recommend cutting it out and glassing in a new piece. That thing is supporting a lot of weight, and is subject to torsional force. If it is not sound, you could end up with gimbal or coupler alignment issues, which is not good. It is not that difficult to do, and you'll be glad you did it. Also, you might want to try to inspect the rest of the structure, there may be rot in the transom, stringer system, and floor. Hopefully not, but better safe than sorry. Good luck...


Jun 30, 2004
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

hi folks, i want to thank everyone for the ideas. i think that perhaps i agree with jasonj. i need a new board in this area to support the motor. i can't help but think that anything else is only a half way fix.. JJ, the floor and transom were replaced in 98 by an unknown shop. i have no idea what quality work they did. i do know i have a soft spot in the floor right behind the bowbucket too. the fllor and transom seems solid other than that.. heres the area i have to deal with for the motor mount area. i need to get at the area where the motor mount bolt holes are at. it's a step down to that area from the floor hight. should i be starting my cut on the floor or down in the area where the motormount holes are at? mm, i don't understand why i have a void under my boltholes. i guess i think there must be a extra board mounted to the exposed (the vertical board in front of the motor mount holes) board to mount the motor mount to, though without cuttin i won't know. i think i'dt like to know. thanks again for the input..



Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

If you are going to cut it out, I'd recommend just cutting a small portion of it just to see what the structure of it is. Then you can decide how to do it from there. There isn't a set way it needs to be, you don't have to reproduce it exactly. It just needs to be strong, and the same height as the current support. I would say that the entire surface the motor mount bolted to needs to come out, and replaced.


Jun 30, 2004
Re: motor mount bolt hole repair?

well, i'm still procrastinating. took the boat to a real boat repair guy. $800 to cut out the motor mount box, unknown as to how much $'s to put it back. so figureing somewhere's between $1k and $2k. i would like to cut it out myself. but am concerened about my abilities to put it back proper & if i cut it up the boat repair guy don't want to see it. he wants to cut it out and use the old for a template for the new. i'm hip to that idea. anyways.

here's my new idea.


this is a wood insert. this one is for a 1/2 lag bolt on the outside and idunno what the machine threads are on this one, but theyz to small for my motor mount application anyways.
1- any body know where i can get one that will accept a 1/2 machine bolt. that would replace my old 1/2 lag. i don't know what the outside dia. of this would be, maybe 3/4 lag?
2-does this look like it might work. any ramifications of usein a machine bolt
3- if i can't find one thinkin i'll see what a machine shop will run me to make one to order. heck if this idea would work, makein some has got to be cheaper than cuttin it out and reglassin it in.

oh, the boat guy said from the outside things all in all looked respectable and solid. of corse ya can't see what's really up, but best judgement is, ok....i just need to get these holes sized back down to 1/2"

any thoughts on my new idea?