Today’s update. Lots going on on different fronts. Started new transom thread. This one was flexing quite a bit. Have the old transom removed and that will be next project.
Before I did that, I ran the motor to see if I bought a lemon. I picked up the 75hp for $1k, but it was crated and I could not see it run or do compresión check. I was rolling the dice a little for the price. Good news is it started. The only things I connected were the battery cables, and main wire harness. The extra yellow/black and purple are still disconnected, but it started and shut off normally. They must have been spliced in as extras, or maybe the PO has trouble with his harness and someone ran new wires as a work around? No idea.
I checked compression and have
107/105/105. Don’t know if that’s good yet, but at least even. Plugs look ok. Changed water pump and tell tale looks good. I’ll certainly buy a bolt in the water pressure outlet, and remove the hose bib. That’s what I meant by cap. The hose in the video was just a test.
Motor idles rough. I’m posting a video link. I smoothed it out a little with idle mixture tweaks. Started 1.5 turns out and adjusted from there. Helped a little, but the motor still “lopes” at idle.
So, I need to dig in to some motor threads to sort this out.