More mysterious behavior -


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 27, 2003
Re: More mysterious behavior -

Hey CRT the heck with you and your goofy boat problem issues..<br /><br />I want to know how the heck to learn how to spell kick butt sophisticaDID words as good as YOU do!<br /><br />EsTATiC?<br />ECtasticS<br />ecKstatusly?<br /><br />I give up.<br /><br />Congrats to you on your conclusion!<br />You must be STIKED huh?<br />I mean SchIked (darn!) :mad: you know what I mean.<br /><br />(bring beer and chips with you)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 27, 2003
Re: More mysterious behavior -

I think he's half way up the Detroit River by now.<br />Guess we'll have to talk to him when he returns. :)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: More mysterious behavior -

My waterlogged boat, with the squishy floor, (302 OMC) just this weekend started acting similar to what CRT Described.<br /><br />What is the secondary coil wire?

CRT Skiff Crafter

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2003
Re: More mysterious behavior -

Howdy boatniks!<br /><br />Well I made it back in one piece and the boat performed flawlessly out and back! YES!!! :D <br /><br />Captain HooknFinger: That is hysterical! TOO FUNNY! :D How do I dood it? I haz threee colledge degreze - NOT!! ;) I gets good spelling from my mom and me trusty spell checker. :cool: <br /><br />tylerin: Beer gives me a headache I can only drink Cuervo 1800 tequila...<br /><br />Boomyal: The high voltage lead from coil to distributor. Can you believe that all of that spooky behavior was that! I'll tell you though, when the engine faltered when I actuated my trim tabs, it certainly pointed to an electrical rather than a fuel problem. I started checking coil primary and had a solid 9 volts (plus/minus a volt) from plus to ground and I just couldn't accept that it was one of my new plug/distributor wires, so I didn't even look at that and there's where I really showed my ignorance! :confused: <br /><br />However, I learned a great lesson and next time I'll check everything in the proper order and not make bad *** -umptions. <br /><br />The wonderful news is that all of the work I did this summer contributed to getting the engine running better than ever! As I've mentioned in other posts, I never had more than 3100 rpms in the 7 plus years I've had this rig. I just assumed that's all it could do! When I found out I was about 1000 rpm's shy of specs, I began to think that the old girl was simply worn out! <br /><br />Then after much contemplation and ultimately following all the great advice I obtained on this forum and performing a bunch of needed repairs (new coil, wires, plugs, distributor, timing gears and chain and carb rebuild, I ended up with a boat that's good for about 31 mph as opposed to 21 and that's serious improvement! <br /><br />Well, sadly I'm going to winterize today instead of waiting till the ice balls start to fly (like I'm inclined to do), but I'm certainly ending the season on a good vibe and can anticipate a heck of a spring out-fitting!<br /><br />Regards to all of you marvelous boat wizards!<br /><br />crt.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 27, 2003
Re: More mysterious behavior -

no ploblem,<br /><br />You da Man!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: More mysterious behavior -

CRT: Are you saying that you replaced the sparkplug wires but did not replace the coil wire?<br />My wireset, including coil wire is original.<br />This weekend with a boat load of Boy Scouts and 30 to 40 mph winds blowing, we went crabbing in Tillamook Bay. (very wet experience). My motor would seemingly run/idle fine, then it would just periodically die. When we were tending crab pots, I'd take it out of gear and idle it up to 12-1500 rpm. It would run ok, then just die. At one point I decided, after idling around at low speed to blow it out a bit so I got it up on plane, at about 3000 rpm. It ran ok. When we headed back in, it ran real crappy as I accelerated and finally had to run it at about 1400 rpm(running rotten) back to the dock. Later that evening while flushing the motor, it also was running real rough.<br /><br />This kinda sounds like the problem you were having. I haven't had time to check it out yet but I'm wondering, coil wire???

CRT Skiff Crafter

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2003
Re: More mysterious behavior -

Hey Boomyal:<br /><br />The wire set I purchased required cutting the wires to desired length and crimping on the connectors. When I got home I realized the kit was not properly sealed (as in previously opened) and I figure it had either been scavenged at the store or someone purchased it and returned it. The result was it was missing the correct connector for the coil high voltage wire. Well, Not wanting to go back to the store, I figured I could use one of the other connectors (the kit had lots of extra stuff) and made up the secondary with an incorrect part. :( <br /><br />Since I didn't get to see the correct connector, I didn't realize that it was a good bit longer than what I had to work with. It interfaced with the coil fine, but didn't go on all the way and thus the coil was constantly jumping a gap. <br /><br />So what happened was, the engine would run fine until the coil got tired of playing the spark gap game, heated up and pooped out. This could take an hour or longer depending on how I ran it, ambient temp and etc. <br /><br />My first clue that this could be electrical was when I hit the trim tabs and the engine sputtered accordingly. I'll tell you though, by the time that happened I was so far into the problem that I couldn't see the metaphorical forest anymore and I just turned it over to the marine doc with my tail between my legs. <br /><br />Frankly the education I received on this was worth every bit of the anguish. As another side benefit, I have honed my swearing skills into a razor sharpness hitherto unknown! I can now put entire paragraphs together that are comprised of nothing but obsenities :rolleyes: <br /><br />Regards, crt.