Milky Oil in SX160 Stern Drive - need to replace seals


Jul 5, 2007
Guys n gals, i'm hoping once again to garner your knowledge. I took my boat out of the water today to give it a bit of a scrub, and while on dry land I decided to check the oil level in the sterndrive... bad move. When I took the dipstick out, it was very milky. I pulled the prop off to get a closer look and saw a little bit of milky oil leaking from the oil seal. I need to replace the seal, and my problem is I dont know how to remove the housing (see explanded diagram)

I've removed the two retaining screws, but the housing is jammed solid. I'm wondering if there is a special tool to remove this, or should a bit of jiggling with a hammer and screwdriver plus a bit of heat, be enough to shift it?
Anyone ever tackle this kind of job before... help, advice, tips or general ridicule all welcome