Military Court Martials for civilian contractors and journalist


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2002
Re: Military Court Martials for civilian contractors and journalist

treedancer said:
It seems that the MSM has been rather busy lately reporting on the important stuff, Ann Nichol Smith. :$

It nice to keep abreast of what the latest news is....

I'm gonna be punished for that pun....I guess I should make a clean breast of it...just shoot me...


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Military Court Martials for civilian contractors and journalist

crunch said:
OMR... it would be the Military, not Hill doing the trials..... do you think there could be anytime in the future a lovefest between them?

Ya know Crunch, The ol' brain cell is a li'l strained today after thinkin' real negative n' illogical like a Lib earlier on another thread but: yah; may not be luv n' all, but if ya worked for the QUEEN o' MEAN, (comander in chief n' all), I think ya would get some respect, (or learn it the hard way as the Clintons do play for keeps: [remember?]). Last time as jus' the first lady she was able ta get all those FBI files n' all, (n' got off scott free, as usual for a Clinton n' all). I want an independent media; I'm not happy with the MSM, but I know there are real cornsequences ta one under anyone's thumb. Just ponder the face plant of NBC news since their strategic decision ta go HARD left after 11/2006. Let them do their deal. Freedom is never free! Freedom of speech, or the press and whatnot does have cornsaquences: some good, some bad. I'll be a Cornservative n' take the package as is: Thank You very much: SIR. This is just my opinion which happens to agree with Phil. Don't want ta be too AROGANT n' all, (but the ego is hard ta hide ya know). Respectfully, (and I do mean that you fellows who are usually on my side) JR


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Military Court Martials for civilian contractors and journalist

We need more information.

The wording in that UPI teaser article is poor and vague. The scribbler that wrote it should go back to school to learn how to convey a message, both clearly and concisely.

"and makes civilian government employees and journalists"

So, does that mean (civilian gov't employees) and ( civilian gov't journalists) ?

It may only pertain to civilian journalists working for the Stars and Stripes, or other similar news outlets.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2002
Re: Military Court Martials for civilian contractors and journalist

From what I've been able to rear it would pertain to those working directly for the military, such as detainee processing and those journalists embedded in military units. I don't think many of the embedded journalists are Stars and Stripes reporters.

OldMerc has a valid point in that too much control of the press by the government is not a good thing.

What I find baffling is why some are so concerned what Hilliary, who I feel has little chance of winning, would do with this sort of power and are not concerned with why the current administration deemed it necessary. This was language proposed and authored by a Republican senator.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Military Court Martials for civilian contractors and journalist

Parrott_head said:
From what I've been able to rear it would pertain to those working directly for the military, such as detainee processing and those journalists embedded in military units. I don't think many of the embedded journalists are Stars and Stripes reporters.

OldMerc has a valid point in that too much control of the press by the government is not a good thing.

What I find baffling is why some are so concerned what Hilliary, who I feel has little chance of winning, would do with this sort of power and are not concerned with why the current administration deemed it necessary. This was language proposed and authored by a Republican senator.

Hey Parrott, As a Cornservative I and most others who share my views are always corncerned about any expansion of government power. Usually Liberals don't mind nanny government, because if ya really think about it, more taxes, (the blood that feeds the government tumer), by it's very nature expands government and lessens the private sector, (where the real movin' n' shakin' goes on). Libs and Dems clearly want to raise taxes. The current crop o' Libs, (IMHO) are jus' complainin' ta get at ol' W, (there is no real genuine corncern that I can see on their side). Think about which Supreme Court Justices voted to allow a well cornected developer to spread around a li'l political contrabutions to the Local Politicians ta take your waterfront property n' corvert it into a resort. They jus' found a way to intrepret the "living breathing document" referred to by Al Gore and Joe Biden to name two of many Libs who have followed that tact since FDR taught them how to do it.That's about as black and white as you can get to show the two different sides of this coin. Cornservatives don't like treason, especially durring a real WAR. They feel, (as do I) that the NYT and CNN, to name a few big ones have given our secrets to our enemy to help the enemy win just to embarras W. They, (my fellow Cornservatives) just aren't thinkin' long term, in my opinion, so that is how I choose to JOLT 'em into thinkin'. It might work, it might not. I agree that ol' Hill is not likely to win the big one but there is more then a minor chance she could. John PUKE Kerry is far worse then Hill and he came close enough to get my attention. Sorry for the rant. Respectfully JR