Microsoft really does s**k!!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

Actually at my age, I would have never thought I would have been called a hippie! Go figure. Oldjeep, why in the heck are you being so nasty? I have two andorids, a netbook and my wife runs a kindle, then we can add in the laptops as well as the deaktops, cripes, I am over whelmed, I think I am going to go fishing this weekend to get away from all of this!
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May 17, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

Actually at my age, I would have never thought I would have been called a hippie! Go figure. Oldjeep, why in the heck are you being so nasty? I have two andorids, a netbook and my wife runs a kindle, then we can add in the laptops as well as the deaktops, cripes, I am over whelmed, I think I am going to go fishing this weekend to get away from all of this!

Its all meant in good fun, but one of my primary aggravations in life is people who go after MS because they can't get their free community ware operating systems to work with some of their stuff. If you want seamless integration then use whatever else google is giving away. If you want to attach your android/linix/other freeware then you have to do some work.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

Go figure, I actually remember when Windows was a "Free Operating" system, I guess I am just getting old, and of course I support Microsoft. I have met and talked with Bill Gates on more than one occasion and only live a couple of miles from Paul Allen and we run into each other quite often. But I do have to say, when it comes to talking about computers and software, you take a decidedly nasty turn, not very becoming to the newer computer users.. I will attribute it to you being like me, older, experienced and grouchy.


Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

...... I will attribute it to you being like me, older, experienced and grouchy.


From another thread where I was b****ing at MS.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced/is experiencing this one:

Windows 7 Pro running on a Lenovo ThinkCentre.
Periodically I see a typo....go back to fix it...and get the same typo....e.g. instead of the '#' key being "#", I get "/" ...or worse.
I then realise that my keyboard has arbitrarily and without so much as a by-your-leave, changed language configuration.
A friend said "there is a keyboard icon in the lower right of the desktop and you can change back there", which there is and it is an easy correction.

BUT it seems to me that adding that keyboard icon is not simply a "user-friendly" convenience, it smacks to me of a real band-aid solution to a known-problem that MS has not really fixed.

Or am I just getting too old and crotchety, and it is just a matter of time before I spend my days with my white pants pulled up to my armpits, sitting on a front porch rocker, complaining about the Government and Big Business? :eek::facepalm:

So, you have a front porch? :);)


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

If you want to attach your android/linix/other freeware then you have to do some work.

I was using and playing around with Linux for a couple years about the time MS released that POS OS after XP. Didn't take me long to learn and use it. Worked well and was fun to fool with. One of the things that made it easier was once you had a disk to install it all you did was hit the install button and wait a little bit. After it was installed you didn't have to spend another 2 hours installing all the drivers as they were already there.

Then came Win7 and I had seen MS learned something about OS's and did the same. Included all the drivers. Then it was just a matter of adding and setting up programs.

Seems MS has come a long way sense DOS!


May 17, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

I was using and playing around with Linux for a couple years about the time MS released that POS OS after XP. Didn't take me long to learn and use it. Worked well and was fun to fool with. One of the things that made it easier was once you had a disk to install it all you did was hit the install button and wait a little bit. After it was installed you didn't have to spend another 2 hours installing all the drivers as they were already there.

Then came Win7 and I had seen MS learned something about OS's and did the same. Included all the drivers. Then it was just a matter of adding and setting up programs.

Seems MS has come a long way sense DOS!

That is about the way that the Win8 and Server 2012 installs go as well. Every once in a while you have to hunt down a better video driver, but for the most part the installs are pretty painless now.


Oct 25, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

I was using and playing around with Linux for a couple years about the time MS released that POS OS after XP. Didn't take me long to learn and use it. Worked well and was fun to fool with. One of the things that made it easier was once you had a disk to install it all you did was hit the install button and wait a little bit. After it was installed you didn't have to spend another 2 hours installing all the drivers as they were already there.

Then came Win7 and I had seen MS learned something about OS's and did the same. Included all the drivers. Then it was just a matter of adding and setting up programs.

Seems MS has come a long way sense DOS!

Kinda true. The hardware providers will write a driver for Linux and release it under the GPL therefor allowing RedHat, Ubuntu whoever to include the driver with their OS image, that is just the way things in the Linux world work. Microsoft did not include hardware drivers for some hardware because the hardware maker did not allow them to bundle it in the Windows XP or what ever version media. I just reinstalled windows 7 on my Lenovo and I had to go to the lenovo site, download drivers and install them to get some things to work right. As for things just working in Linux that is kinda true. I remember many hours compiling Qlogic and Emulex drivers for the Xen kernel. That is way worse then downloading a driver....


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

It all s**ks. I can just barely run my old DOS based business program on Win 7. It will only open in a window a little bigger than a postage stamp. I would hate to see what would happen if I had to go to Win 8.


May 17, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

It all s**ks. I can just barely run my old DOS based business program on Win 7. It will only open in a window a little bigger than a postage stamp. I would hate to see what would happen if I had to go to Win 8.

LOL - dos based business program still in use. If you are actually serious, you can adjust the window size in the properties of the window.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

LOL - dos based business program still in use. If you are actually serious, you can adjust the window size in the properties of the window.

I use command windows all the time when I telnet. I agree. Easy to adjust the size in properties.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

Actually I exaggerated a bit. The program, just like the Command Prompt, opens in a window that is about 6" wide by 3" high. I read had somewhere that Win 7 had gotten so far away from DOS that that size was the best it could do.

I right clicked on the Program Icon and clicked on Properties. I did not see any options for changing the Command Prompt window size. I did see a checkbox that said if your program ran ok in a different windows OS but not in Win 7, you could click on that and make a selection. Mine was not checked (Win XP SP3 was one option). I saw no reason to try that as my program runs fine.


Jun 5, 2011
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

I gave up MS and their POS OSs years ago when I did a cost benny analysis and found we spent more time troubleshooting and protecting them than the unit cost of the device. Sooooo, I switched to Apple products company-wide. Bigger hit up front, but WAY better in the long run for our tech costs.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

I was wondering how long it would be, before the Apple thing came up! :facepalm: In fact, really this whole thread was started by a question about an android!:eek:


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

Interesting how MS stock spiked this morning after Ballmer announced his retirement.


May 17, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

Interesting how MS stock spiked this morning after Ballmer announced his retirement.

Poor guy, no retirement package - he'll have to scrape by on his 11 billion in stock (which is ironically going up due to his retirement)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

....... he'll have to scrape by on his 11 billion in stock (which is ironically going up due to his retirement)

And they wouldn't even spend two nickles to allow their LiveMail to sync up with the largest smartphone/tablet operating system!


May 17, 2010
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

And they wouldn't even spend two nickles to allow their LiveMail to sync up with the largest smartphone/tablet operating system!

LOL - Yes, I guess they wouldn't spend 2 nickels to get a free product to sync up with an OS they don't sell. Once again - consider gmail.

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

Interesting how MS stock spiked this morning after Ballmer announced his retirement.

Did it REALLY spike, or was it just a virtual blip caused by computer systems?

The conspiracy theorists are already at work.... "the Ballmer retirement trapdoor" :)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Microsoft really does s**k!!

Did it REALLY spike, or was it just a virtual blip caused by computer systems?
You mean by software created by MSOFT?

Volume was close to 6 times normal on the stock. That's what happens when a CEO resigns that had quotes like:

There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance. It's a $500 subsidized item. They may make a lot of money. But if you actually take a look at the 1.3 billion phones that get sold, I'd prefer to have our software in 60% or 70% or 80% of them, than I would to have 2% or 3%, which is what Apple might get.

Ballmer single handedly reduced the value of the company by 2/3. Of course he probably increased his personal stock's value by hundreds of millions of dollars by resigning!
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