Re: Mercury vs. Volvo
Well,....... While I can't argue the Cone Clutch Vs. Dog Clutch,.......
No Doubt the Cone Clutch IS Better,.........
IF you're a Junkyard Dog like Me,.....
Building boat drivelines out of Recycled Parts,......
Mercruiser Can't be Beat,.......
In My area,... There are probably 1000 Merc.s for every Volvo.......
That means I can Find Merc.s,+ their Parts for Little or Nothing.......
Where as Volvos Co$t an Arm,+ 2 Legs for very Simple parts.......
And,.... Availability,......
Mercruiser parts can be found EVERYWHERE...............
Volvos,..??..... Well,... You'd Better be Very Friendly with your local Parts Supplier........
'Cause He's going to Own your childs college education,.. Long before your child is college age.........
And,...... The Commonallity,+ Interchangability of the Mercruisers Can't be Beat.........