Re: mercury carbuerator
The trick is to not tear it down any further than needed.<br />Get a can of Valvoline Carb cleaner (the can has this cool wand on it,and can be aimed better than an SKS!)..<br />Get a sheet of gasket material the same thickness as the old carb mounting gasket.<br />Get an exacto knife, and make a new one. Make sure it's acurate,and the small hole on top is in the new one.<br />As long as you only remove the bowl,chances are good you won't need the 35dollar rebuild kit.<br />Use care with the hinge pin and the tab on the float.Do not bend it, or you will play hail getting it set properly later.<br />Do not soak the needle or carb in carbonic carb cleaner,just use spray..The gallon can will clean it so well,the thing will never run again (eats all plastic,rubber,non-metals).<br /><br />While you have the carb out,turn the mixture screw in until it just contacts the seat,while counting the turns. Write that number down,so you can put it back exactly as it was set before you had problems..It will be right on the money.<br /><br />Spray carb cleaner thru every hole in the carb.<br />Be very carefull,as it usually exits where you least expect it,right into yer eyeball.<br />There is a jet in the side of the pickup tube,and you will want to clean it well,even if it looks "open".<br />Good luck.