Mercury 850 thunderbolt rebuild project


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 20, 2003
I figured I would stop coming up with new topics everytime I encounter something that I'm not sure of. Since this is my first rebuild since AutoShop in High School, I'm sure I will have more questions along the way.<br /><br />For everyone who has seen my previous topics, I actually got the powerhead off. So far I've figured out that you don't need a lifting eye to separate a powerhead. I had my outboard on a wood stand and built an overhead frame. I shimmed the motor mounts up 1 1/2" tied the straps as tight as I could (using rock climbing webing that was too worn to climb with anymore) making sure that there was nothing between the straps and the block and that the straps where totally flat against the block with no folds or cross overs. Then I knocked the shims out. The head separated and I lifted it off while my girlfriend unhooked the straps at the top (all back through a carabiner). Carried it over to the workbench and voilla.<br /><br />Hopefully the rest goes as smoothly. I'm going to post the rest of my questions in this thread. <br /><br />Thanks to everyone who has helped so far.

Kenny Bush

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2002
Re: Mercury 850 thunderbolt rebuild project

And I hope you got yourself a good manual..... :eek: :rolleyes: :cool: :D