After 20 years, I've decided to dig this motor out and try to get it running. This is a frankenmotor my Dad put together somewhere between 1975 and 1980 and my brother and I ran the prop off it as kids on an old 14' jon boat. The motor was running when shut down and stored 30ish years ago in a series of weargerproof sheds. It still turns over freely and has compression. Step one seems to be a rebuild of the carb to see if it will even try to fire, but I know nothing of merc carbs. I think this may be a 71-80ish carb that all use the same kit. Can someone confirm? It says Mercarb across the side and has a white bottom bowl. The serial number on the clamp is a 1974, but the shroud graphics appear to be 1971. I was told years ago this was assembled fron 3ish different motors.