Mercury 2+2 introduced?


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 31, 2003
Have same engine, I would like to try the different plug as well but always stuck with engineer's spec. Be careful when buying plugs there are chinese fakes on internet I would only buy from local store! From what I have been reading the 2+2 motor is not that bad, some hate others like them, I like the fact that there a no electronics on the motor so you stand a chance of fixing it !


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
I thought that the first 4 cylinder 115 hp was in 1989, The 1988 list a six cylinder!
Interesting point. In 1989 I bought a new, registered as 1989 Ranger bass boat and I6 115 Mercury engine. Years later, on here I talk about my 1989 "Tower" and get boo bood that production stopped in 1988. Well folks, ever hear of building something before you market it....apparently my 1989 registered engine was built during the 1988 production runs....the last to be built! Makes sense to me. Engines built starting in 1989 were 3 cyl......apparently.