Mercruiser ECM Failed?


Mar 19, 2021
I was told by my mechanic that I need a new ECM ( Motor is a MCM 5.0L MPI) in a Rinker Captiva 226. With some of the research that I have done, everything replacement is turning up as sold out or back ordered. What are my options? Thank You


Mar 19, 2021
Without knowing how they fix the product, I have read that it is not advised to re flash/ re program an ECM. Can you attest to any of that information?

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Without knowing how they fix the product, I have read that it is not advised to re flash/ re program an ECM. Can you attest to any of that information?
Depending on your ECM type, They are typically able to physically go into the ECM and repair burned out computer components which contains the original programming...Plus if needed or desired depending on engine type, they are usually able to install either an original programming, an updated programming or performance upgrades.

Generally in most cases re flash/ re program is safe to do if found needed/wanted for the engine applications in question.

The one item of the original part of the program that is usually lost after a reprogram would be the original engine "hours"...They usually go back to zero hours but I don't believe that happens to just having a repair done but be sure to ask if you do have it done/call/email them first. ;)

What year is yours? And if you have an 2002 year model, a engine serial number is needed to know what company would be best for your situation.

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Okay that makes sense. Also it is a 2009
Serial # handy?

Does the ECM look like #3,?

or this # 3?

The top one's (image) usually repairable the 2nd one I'm unsure of but maybe and it'd be another company I have in mind you'd need to talk with.


Mar 19, 2021
Engine serial number is either 1A050666 or 1A050660 (sticker is worn down and unable to make out last number)
Drive serial number is 1A204296

Boat go put into storage before I could look at the ECM. Im not sure what is looks like.

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Thanks for the engine confirmation of what we're working with as it helps a lot instead of guessing what things may be.

In this case the last number isn't truly needed as they all come up the same engine description which is MERCRUISER 5.0L MPI (ALPHA) (1.7 inch exhaust Risers) (DRAIN).

Should you really need the last number then there should be a metal type tag riveted just above the engine starter that has the number as well...Looks like this,

The first design ECM should be the type you have which is called the 555 and these are the ones I was referencing for repair in the first link of post #2 above and maybe the following place too for possibly buying a used one,

Here's your parts full catalog,

3866189T07 Newest Part # ECM, Engine Control Module866189T04
Older Part #

(5.0L MPI Alpha)(Standard Cooling)

Just wondering what seems to be happening with your ECM?


Mar 19, 2021
Well I first bought the boat and everything worked great. Used it about 5-7 times. Eventually came to not being able to start the boat. Would not even crank. Would be able to bypass and get it started from the starter. Eventually that stopped working and the boat would no longer crank. Eventually took it into the shop when the mechanic said it had no spark. Proceeded like I had mentioned above. He then said he took the same ecm from the same motor, threw it on mine and it fired right up.


Mar 19, 2021
I guess how will I know other than taking the mechanics word that this is the actual issue and not something else?

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Does it seem as if you both are able to work together to help find a more practical financial solution? If needed?

^ If yes, Then the ECM is an pretty easy bolt on part with 3 bolts 2 plugs that you ought to be able to do yourself at home?

Maybe pay what's owed to the service guy, bring boat home, remove ECM, call and mail it in, have them check the ECM for $100 and if needed and possible as they should be able to tell you what failed and try to ask them what seems to be the general cause of that particular failure in hopes to try and maybe solve a still possible unseen potential issue so it won't continue...Have them fix it for $650.00 and go form there...That or you call for a price and order timeframe and have the service guy install it if he's willing vs him buying new at 2k,

With the continual possible issues I mentioned above, I'll just mention generally it's considered a better idea to try a thought to be bad ECM out on a known good running engine "first" 'That way should there be a bad wire/component, etc. on a none running engine it won't harm someone else high $ ECM. ;)...With that said, it seems as if maybe your engine is going to be good/okay as it ran your engine already and didn't hurt the other ECM.😎

Just some ideas for you is all.


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Sounds like your mechanic has done the proper diagnostic proof. Although, it would be good to re-install the original ECM and re-try, just to make sure it was not a connector issue.

There is a place or 2 that will repair ECM's for less that what a new one costs. . . . there might be a few alternatives online as well. . . Huge profit margin in those OEM ECM's.


Mar 19, 2021
Does it seem as if you both are able to work together to help find a more practical financial solution? If needed?

^ If yes, Then the ECM is an pretty easy bolt on part with 3 bolts 2 plugs that you ought to be able to do yourself at home?

Maybe pay what's owed to the service guy, bring boat home, remove ECM, call and mail it in, have them check the ECM for $100 and if needed and possible as they should be able to tell you what failed and try to ask them what seems to be the general cause of that particular failure in hopes to try and maybe solve a still possible unseen potential issue so it won't continue...Have them fix it for $650.00 and go form there...That or you call for a price and order timeframe and have the service guy install it if he's willing vs him buying new at 2k,

With the continual possible issues I mentioned above, I'll just mention generally it's considered a better idea to try a thought to be bad ECM out on a known good running engine "first" 'That way should there be a bad wire/component, etc. on a none running engine it won't harm someone else high $ ECM. ;)...With that said, it seems as if maybe your engine is going to be good/okay as it ran your engine already and didn't hurt the other ECM.😎

Just some ideas for you is all.
Yes he is a good guy and I do trust him. I won't have issues doing that repair myself if its as easy as pulling it off, sending it in, and putting it back on. I think the best route like you said is sending it in, paying the $100 bucks if they fix it great! If not then I will for sure know that its the route I will need to go. Greatly appreciate the help and advice!


Mar 19, 2021
Sounds like your mechanic has done the proper diagnostic proof. Although, it would be good to re-install the original ECM and re-try, just to make sure it was not a connector issue.

There is a place or 2 that will repair ECM's for less that what a new one costs. . . . there might be a few alternatives online as well. . . Huge profit margin in those OEM ECM's.
That is on the list as my first thing to do when I go and pull my boat from storage. Definitely looking into other avenues before spending a decent chunk of money on a whole new ECM.

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Yes he is a good guy and I do trust him. I won't have issues doing that repair myself if its as easy as pulling it off, sending it in, and putting it back on. I think the best route like you said is sending it in, paying the $100 bucks if they fix it great! If not then I will for sure know that its the route I will need to go. Greatly appreciate the help and advice!
Please keep this topic updated as you go and good luck to you.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 24, 2012
I'll be following also as I have a 2002 5.0 MPI. I currently have no issues but wondering, does anyone know what are the typical causes of ECM failures?


Chief Petty Officer
May 27, 2018
Every mercruiser service book I ever read reinforced numerous times the PCM are very robust are to be changed only as a last resort. I would triple ck you don't have a bad connection.


Mar 19, 2021
Back here for an update! ECM was sent to Whipple Superchargers out of Fresno California. Upon taking a peek, it was determined that the portion within the ECM wasn't receiving a signal from the crank sensor thus the motor does not know when to fire. This portion of the ECM is not able to be fixed so I have to buy a whole new unit.
I am now nervous to put the new ECM back in the boat. What made the ECM fail? Is there another underlying issue that brought up this problem in the first place? Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks