Mercruiser 3.0L/LX Alpha One - Gear Lube Hose Leak


May 12, 2013
Re: Mercruiser 3.0L/LX Alpha One - Gear Lube Hose Leak

You may have to remove the hinge pins and pull the bell-housing back slightly. To access the hinge pines, turn the steering about half way in one direction to expose one of the trim senders. Remove the 2 screws holding the sender on, then remove the big steel hinge pin. Turn the steering the other way (being careful not to trap the loose trim sender) and remove the other sender and hinge pin.... Be careful, as there are milar washers on the inside of the gimbal ring, next to the bell-housing... They have a habit of falling out very silently and you don't even know they're gone... Not good when you come to re-assemble...


When I remove the hinge pins, will the bell housing pull back far enough for me to access the aft end of the tube while leaving all bellows and shift cable attached? I don't need to do a bellows replacement otherwise, they are all brand new, so I'd rather not go through that. Just need to replace the gear lube monitor hose and it is not possible at this stage of dissembly (stern drive removed). I'm thinking that if I pull the bell housing back, one of the bellows (maybe exhaust) will come off. Advice appreciated.


May 12, 2013
Re: Mercruiser 3.0L/LX Alpha One - Gear Lube Hose Leak

Couldn't get to the hose. Gave up and got ripped off at the sea ray dealer for $450 to replace the 10" rubber hose. I can say I tried and it is fixed and I'm $450 lighter :)