Mercruiser 3.0 reliability and overall maintenance?

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
With a 3 litre turning at 4,800, the very best you'll do with that prop is 32 knots (59 km/hr if you must 🤦). Anyone saying 75 km/hr is full of it!
nah....... they are towing it with their truck

Rick Stephens

Aug 13, 2013
Miles per hour, kilometres per hour.... Units for landlubbers. Be a mariner, and use knots!
You need to start getting manufacturers to install said knautical gauges.



More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Haha ha ha. Now get US manufacturers to install em in small craft. Good luck.
Yes, Americans seem very attached to their antiquated system of measurement. This despite being officially metric since 1975. When do you think the USA will join the rest of the world and finally ditch the imperial system for the decimalized system? Or are they secretly so remorseful about the war of independence they want to pay homage to the British for the rest of time by not abandoning their measurement system, when Britain ditched it years ago.

And it shouldn't be about what the manufacturers installs, it should be customer driven. Customer tells manufacturer what they want, not the other way around.

Rick Stephens

Aug 13, 2013
Yes, Americans seem very attached to their antiquated system of measurement. This despite being officially metric since 1975. When do you think the USA will join the rest of the world and finally ditch the imperial system for the decimalized system? Or are they secretly so remorseful about the war of independence they want to pay homage to the British for the rest of time by not abandoning their measurement system, when Britain ditched it years ago.

And it shouldn't be about what the manufacturers installs, it should be customer driven. Customer tells manufacturer what they want, not the other way around.
No doubt. Boat manufacturers will change when customers ask for it. Regardless, there is no difference in my mind - they are all virtual concepts anyway. Made up. I would admit that at least the nautical mile is fabricated from another fabricated measurement, a knotted rope. While the mile is imagined from how long the average step is. Either measurement is organized nonsense.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Yes, Americans seem very attached to their antiquated system of measurement. This despite being officially metric since 1975. When do you think the USA will join the rest of the world and finally ditch the imperial system for the decimalized system? Or are they secretly so remorseful about the war of independence they want to pay homage to the British for the rest of time by not abandoning their measurement system, when Britain ditched it years ago.

And it shouldn't be about what the manufacturers installs, it should be customer driven. Customer tells manufacturer what they want, not the other way around.
Doesn't your signature have a few elements of the antiquated system in it?

Just sayin'


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
I had a Searay 170 with the 3.0 alpha 1gen 1. Top speed with me by myself was 34-36 mph by gps. Fuel burn was 4 -5 gal per hour running hard or pulling skiers. Very fun boat, good running engine. Make sure you flush engine every time you pull it out of the water if you operate in brackish or salt.


Chief Petty Officer
May 27, 2018
My 3.0 liter story is as follows. Was in a 1987 Starcraft Medallist 1601. Boat ran 43 mph. First oil filter change march of 1992. Went to launch after winter (Houston) and bilge full of oil, oil filter rusted through. Put new filter on and topped off oil. ran crap out of it until 1997 when I bought off my neighbor. Didn't have neutral for years as I disconnected the shift interrupter switch and pulling out of forward was hard enough to make it go in reverse. Installed the new and improved shift shaft busing in 1998 and had neutral again, lol. Manifold rotted out in 2000. 13 years of saltwater use but flushed every time, (800? hours). replaced bellows in 2012 complete waste of time as they were still good. replaced manifold pre-emptively in 2012, waste when I busted old ones apart they still had tons of life. Sold in 2018 for $4200 which is what I paid. Saw guy at boat ramp last week with it. Engine must have 3K hours on it.
Over life of boat we consumed over 17K beers lost an engagement ring, obtained 3 pinched nerves, 1 cracked vertebrae and dislocated shoulder. All injuries result of tubing behind it. I am a HUGE fan of the 3.0 liter. Boat fit in my garage negating storage. Used easily 20 times a year. Boat bottom was better 99% boats out there two scratches. Only outside when used. Smacked allot of underwater obstructions with Alpha 1 outdrive. Prop shaft wobbled, and did it well for 12 years. When sold still had original alternator, still used points and condenser. Had original spark plug wires, original block water pump, head never off engine. Replaced engine coupler once, guess I should have greased it. second oil change around 1998 had only 6 psig oil pressure at idle, change oil back to 22 psig. After 1998 replaced oil and filter every 3 years.

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