Re: Merc vs. Volvo - best punch for the buck...
Well I for one understand your opinion Frogger, and tend to agree with you with the exception of prop torque (can't fix that without helm adjustable tabs), and the reverse performance. Also, I don't think any of these improvements can be rationalised financially. Especially any fuel economy discussion. The only reason that I ever contradicted you was that small boats will benefit from the differences if money is not in the discussion. I have never owned one, but like you have driven a few.
There are downsides. They are not good for over 60 MPH, so you will rarely see them on a go fast boat that actually goes fast . . . Also, the prop replacement discussion is a legit one, that being another reason that small boaters maybe should shy away. They are heavier. Bravo 3s have had some corrosion issues due to the larger mass of the propellers. Also, I don't understand the need for them on twin installations unless the extra hole shot is needed. Seems like an unnecessary expense when you already have opposite turning props . . .