merc stalling at high rpm


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 4, 2002
I just bought this motor('75, 500, 50hp) and am about to tear into it to see what Ive got. It does have some symptoms that I already know of and was hoping for some experience as to what I should look for when I got it apart.<br /> She idles just fine, and is ok power wise just untill she gets up on step. when she reaches that rpm, the rpms shoot up for a split second and then she stalls. If you catch it in time you can pop it into neutral and then back into gear without stalling, that is untill you hit those rpms again. you can run her just before that point all day long without stalling.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: merc stalling at high rpm

It could be the fuel pump (built into the carb i think).<br />It could also be the fuel tank is not venting (they must have air to replace the fuel they burn). and sometimes, they plug-up. Does the primer bulb flatten-out when it does this? Does pumping it improve performance?<br />It could also be the pickup tube is plugged inside the tank.<br />If the gas is over 3 months old, dump it,clean the tank, and try fresh mix. 2Cycle fuel goes stale so fast (i don't know why).