I am working on a 2000 Merc 200 Saltwater Carberated. I have two problems I cant figure out the first is how does the lower unit produce the pressure for the speedo pickup? The reason i ask is it doesnt produce any water pressure until the boat is going what I would guess about 15 knots.<br /><br />Second question is much tougher. we took it out bumped the throttle up to 2000 rpm I am at the motor (hanging over the transom) watching the linkage to see if i have a hanging cable. Anyway it stablizes at 2000 and sets there for about 5-10 seconds and then auto accelerates to 4000 rpm in a smooth sweep. At 4000 it stablizes and cruises there with no problem. The real problem is if you want to set the throttle at lets say 2800 to cruise along it wont do it. It will go directly to 4000 rpm or so everytime. At 4000 as I said it will stabilize and is fine. if you try to bump it up to say 4500 it accelerates to 6000 and is fine there. There is no surging in the motor and it runs fine at the setting you can set it at but at idle and 1000-2000 rpm it runs a little rough. Nothing more than a normal motor under break in conditions. This motor has about 5 hours on it. Any input would be appericated.<br /><br />Hitman