I have a 1974 Mercury 850 4-cyl with the "Thunderbolt" ignition<br />I took apart my flywheel to get to the stator, mistake #1, I didn't mark the flywheel and the hub, mistake #2, I need to replace the belt to the distributor while I have it off. I need to know how to re-align the flywheel so i can bolt it back to the hub, the only distinctive markings on it are 3 dots no stickers, of marks other than that. Once I have the flywheel re-aligned to the hub, and the 8 bolts replaced I need to set the timing, I just bought this boat, it is my first, It's a fixer-upper, and money is tight, any help on this would be greatly appriciated, I cannot afford to take it to a professional, and I'm quite adept at work on automobiles so this isn't completely new stuff to me, and please don't tell me to buy a book quite yet, I looked at 2 seperated service manuals on this motor and they are too vague on this issue, anyway, thanks for any help in advance. <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------