Re: Merc 50hp hard starting.
Your carbs should not expell fuel at all, and the primer when pumped, should firm-up,and not take any more fuel, once primed. If it is expelling gas out of the overflow, <br /><br />(A)the carb has a sticking float valve needle,<br /><br />(B) or the float level adjustment is set too high (doubtfull,unless you have changed it),<br /><br />(C) or the float has actually sunk, (also rare,but does happen).<br />"A" is the most common cause of this, as the sticky stuff is varnish. Varnish tends to form in the bowl first. For some reason,2cycle fuel turns into varnish faster than gas by itself. But it takes less than 4 weeks,in hot weather.<br />Sometimes, you can tap gently on the bowl of the carb,while someone else pumps the primer.<br />You'll know you got it when the bowl quits spewing fuel,and the primer bulb primes and holds.<br /> But I would get a carb kit and remove the carb and clean it. Don't use the soaking kind unless you intend to strip the carbs down to bare metal, as the imersion type cleaners eat everything that isn't metal.<br />Good Luck.<br /><br />
<br /><br />These Colors Don't Run!!