Hi again, i got a friend to listen with the cover off, while i turned to ON and pushed in the key. She definitely hears a click each time, so i guess it is not a bad Enrichment Solenoid valve. I will evaluate the Starter next. thxthese engines use a choke solenoid.....like these.....
should be an audible click when pushing the key in...
thx Jerry. I was expecting you to say enricher is bad if it does NOT squirt.The click means the key is making it click.
To test: unhook the hose from the carb and then push the key as you turn it over.
It should have a squirt of gas when the key's engaged.
If you unhook the hose and it squirts gas without the key then the enricher is bad. It has a rubber diaphragm that can leak causing it to flood and be hard to start.
Does it have a tachometer? In N in the water what's the RPM'S and in gear what's the RPM'S In gear N should be 1100+- In gear 750-800
Correctthx Jerry. I was expecting you to say enricher is bad if it does NOT squirt.
To clarify, you are saying if it squirts when the key is turned but not pressed in, then enricher is bad, correct?
Hi Jerry, just tested the enricher. The first time, i had them just turn the key, and did not see a spray, then turn with push, i thought i saw a tiny squirt. But subsequent turns with and without a push showed no squirt. I am thinking all i saw was maybe some leftover gas in the hose. Regardless, the subsequent turns with press showed no squirt, so sounds like i need to replace the enricher.thx Jerry. I was expecting you to say enricher is bad if it does NOT squirt.
To clarify, you are saying if it squirts when the key is turned but not pressed in, then enricher is bad, correct?